
Information processing using a single dynamical node as complex system

Appeltant, L.; Soriano, M.C.; Van der Sande, G.; Danckaert, J.; Massar, S.; Dambre, J.; Schrauwen, B.; Mirasso, C.R.; Fischer, I.
Nature Communications 2, 468 (2011)

Experimental Study of the Synchronization of Two Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

Porte Parera, Xavier (Supervisors: Fischer, Ingo; Soriano, Miguel C.)
Master Thesis (2011)

Distinguishing fingerprints of hyperchaotic and stochastic dynamics in optical chaos from a delayed optoelectronic oscillator

Soriano, Miguel C.; Zunino, Luciano; Larger, Laurent; Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.
Optics Letters 36 (12), 2212-2214 (2011)

Role of delay for the symmetry in the dynamics of networks

D’Huys, Otti; Fischer, Ingo; Danckaert, Jan; Vicente, Raul
Physical Review E 83, 046223 (1-7) (2011)

Mismatch and synchronization: Influence of asymmetries in systems of two delay-coupled lasers

Hicke, Konstantin; D\'Huys, Otti; Flunkert, Valentin; Schöll, Eckehard; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo
Physical Review E 83, 056211 (1-11) (2011)

Interplay of Current Noise and Delayed Optical Feedback on the Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers

Soriano, Miguel C.; Berkvens, Thomas; Van der Sande, Guy; Verschaffelt, Guy; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo;
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47, 368-374 (2011)

Optical Delay Dynamics and its Applications

Larger, Laurent; Fischer, Ingo
The Complexity of Dynamical Systems: A Multi-disciplinary Perspective, Dubbeldam, Johan; Green, Kirk; Lenstra, Daan (ed.), Wiley VCH, 63-98 (2011)

Time Scales of a Chaotic Semiconductor Laser With Optical Feedback Under the Lens of a Permutation Information Analysis

Soriano, Miguel C.; Zunino, Luciano; Rosso, Osvaldo A.; Fischer, Ingo; Mirasso, Claudio R.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 47, 252-261 (2011)

Amplitude and phase effects on the synchronization of delay-coupled oscillators

D’Huys, Otti; Vicente, Raul; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo
Chaos 20, 043127 (1-10) (2010)

Synchronization and symmetry breaking of delay-coupled oscillators: on the role of phase and amplitude instabilities

D’Huys, Otti ; Danckaert, Jan; Vicente, Raul; Fischer, Ingo
Proceedings of SPIE, , 7720, 772023 (2010)

Permutation information theory approach to unveil delay dynamics from time series analysis

Zunino, Luciano; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, I.; Rosso, Osvaldo A.; Mirasso, Claudio R.
Physical Review E 82, 046212 (1-9) (2010)

Global Approach to Brain Activity: from Cognition to Disease

Boccaletti S.; Cantero, J. L.; Chávez, M.; Egiazarian, K.; Fischer, I.; Gomez-Herrero, G..; Mirasso, C. R.; Pipa, G.; Singer, W.; Villa A. E. P.; and García-Ojalvo, J.
Success Stories of the Advances and Applications of Complex Systems Science, Springer, (2010)

Far in space and yet in synchrony: neuronal mechanisms for zero-lag long-range synchronization

Vicente, R.; Gollo L. L.; Mirasso, C. R.; Fischer, I; Pipa, G.
Coherent Behavior in Neuronal Networks, Springer, 143-168 (2009)

Controlling the emission properties of multimode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers via polarization- and frequency-selective feedback

Kouomou Chembo, Y.; Mandre, Shyram K; Fischer, Ingo; Elsässer, Wolfgang and Colet, P.
Physical Review A 79, 013817 (1-10) (2009)

Synchronization properties of three delay-coupled semiconductor lasers

Vicente R.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C. R.
Physical Review E 78, 066202 (1-11) (2008)

Dynamical relaying can yield zero time lag neuronal synchrony despite long conduction delays

Vicente, R.; Gollo, L.; Mirasso, C.; Fischer, I.; Pipa, G.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 105, 17157-17162 (2008)

Dynamics, correlation and synchronization behavior in rings of delay-coupled oscillators

Van der Sande,G. ; Soriano, M. C.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C. R.
Physical Review E 77, 055202 (R)(1-4) (2008)

Zero-lag Long Range Synchronization of Neurons Is Enhanced by Dynamical Relaying

Vicente, R.; Pipa, G.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C.R.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4688, 904-913 (2007)

Bidrectional Message Transmisión in a Chaos-Based Communication Scheme

Vicente, R.; Mirasso, C.R.; Fischer, I.
Optics Letters 32, 403-405 (2007)

Zero-lag long-range synchronization via dynamical relaying

Fischer, Ingo; Vicente, Raul; Buldu, Javier; Peil, Michael; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Torrent, M.C.; Garcia-Ojalvo, Jordi
Physical Review Letters 97, 123902(1-4) (2006)

Chaos-based communications at high bit rates using commercial fibre-optic links

Argyris, Apostolos; Syvridis, Dimitris; Larger, Laurent; Annovazzi-Lodi, Valerio; Colet, Pere; Fischer, Ingo; García-Ojalvo, Jordi; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Pesquera, Luís; Shore K. Alan
Nature 438, 343-346 (2005)

Synchronization scenario of two distant mutually coupled semiconductor lasers

Mulet, Josep; Mirasso, Claudio; Heil, Tilmann; Fischer, Ingo
Journal of Optics B: Quantum Semiclass. 6, 97-105 (2004)

ON/OFF Phase Shift Keying for Chaos-Encrypted Communication using External-Cavity Semiconductor Lasers

Tilmann Heil; Josep Mulet; Ingo Fischer; Claudio R. Mirasso; Michael Peil; Pere Colet; Wolfgang Elsasser
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 38, 1162-1170 (2002)

Chaos Synchronization and Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in Symmetrically Delay Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

T. Heil, I. Fischer, W. Elsasser, J. Mulet and C. Mirasso
Physical Review Letters 86, 795-798 (2001)

Dynamical Behavior of Two Distant Mutually-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

Mulet, J.; Mirasso, C.R.; Heil, T., Fischer, I.
Procs. of SPIE 4283, 293-302 (2001)

Statistical Properties of low Frequency Fluctuations under Single Mode Operation in DFB lasers: Experiments and Modelling

Heil, T.; Mulet, J.; Fischer, I.; Elsasser, W. and Mirasso, C.R.
Optics Letters 24, 1275 (1999)

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