Non-Abelian Quantum Transport and Thermosqueezing Effects

Manzano, Gonzalo; Parrondo, Juan M. R.; Landi, Gabriel T.
PRX Quantum 3, 010304 (2022)

Modern quantum experiments provide examples of transport with noncommuting quantities, offering a tool to understand the interplay between thermal and quantum effects. Here we set forth a theory for non-Abelian transport in the linear response regime. Our key insight is to use generalized Gibbs ensembles with noncommuting charges as the basic building blocks and strict charge-preserving unitaries in a collisional setup. The linear response framework is then built using a collisional model between two reservoirs. We show that the transport coefficients obey Onsager reciprocity. Moreover, we find that quantum coherence, associated with the noncommutativity, acts so as to reduce the net entropy production, when compared to the case of commuting transport. This therefore provides a clear connection between quantum coherent transport and dissipation. As an example, we study heat and squeezing fluxes in bosonic systems, characterizing a set of thermosqueezing coefficients with potential applications in metrology and heat-to-work conversion in the quantum regime.

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