Tomasz Raducha

Tomasz Jan Raducha
Dr. Tomasz Raducha’s early background is based in physics. He earned Bachelor's Degree with specialization in cosmology and Master's Degree with specialization in econophysics at the Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw in 2013 and 2015 respectively. He began doctoral studies in 2015 at the University of Warsaw, Poland, under the supervision of prof. Ryszard Kutner, co-supervised by dr. Tomasz Gubiec. In 2020 he got a PhD Degree in physics with distinction.
Dr. Raducha’s work appeared in 5 international journal publications including the topics of complex systems, network science, sociophysics, structure of and dynamics on complex networks, and language change. He presented his work in more than 20 international meetings and conferences and attended about 10 schools and workshops. He earned the second price for the best presentation twice at the SFINKS symposium of interdisciplinary physics. He was one of the main organizers of the 13th Econophysics Colloquium & 9th Polish Symposium, an international conference of over 100 attendees. He coordinated as main organizer three scientific workshops with more than 30 attendees: Winter Workshop on Complex Systems 2019, CCS 2019 Warm up (main event of the young researchers of the Complex Systems Society), CCS 2020 Warm up (over 100 attendees). He helped in the organization of the Polish Physical Contest Poszukiwanie Talentow.
He taught several courses, manly for master students, including introduction to stochastic processes, non-Gaussian stochastic processes, econophysics, classical mechanics, programming coevolving networks. He supervised two student annual projects.
He earned the Etiuda grant for PhD students mobility from the Polish National Science Center. He earned the Bridge Grant and the Scholarships for Events on Complex System from Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society.
Dr. Raducha is currently a member of the Advisory Board the Young Researchers of the Complex Systems Society (CCS) and is an elected member of the Council of CCS. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the Winter Workshop on Complex Systems. Dr. Raducha served as reviewer for Applied Network Science, Physica A, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, Journal of Complex Networks, Communications Physics, Acta Physica Polonica A, Complex Networks 2020. He speaks Polish, English, and Spanish.

Publicaciones recientes

Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: coordination and equilibrium selection

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel Maxi
Scientific Reports 13, 11818 (2023)

Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 12, 3373 (2022)

The spectrum of early career physics

Feng, Chao-Hui; Moravec, Emily; Nanut, Tara; Raducha, Tomasz; Reshef, Orad; Sivakumar, Chandrasekar; Williams, LaNell A.
Nature Reviews Physics 3, 772-776 (2021)

Emergence of complex structures from nonlinear interactions and noise in coevolving networks

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 10 , 15660 (2020)

Coevolving nonlinear voter model with triadic closure

Raducha, Tomasz; Min, Byungjoon; San Miguel, Maxi
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 124, 3001 (2018)

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