Antonio Fernández Peralta

Antonio Fernández Peralta
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Despacho 102
  • +34 971 25 95 18
  • Contact
My expertise lies in the areas of statistical physics, stochastic processes, phase transitions, and complex networks.

Publicaciones recientes

Analytical and numerical treatment of continuous ageing in the voter model

Baron, Joseph W;Peralta, Antonio F. ;Galla, Tobias.;Toral, Raul
Entropy 24, 1331 (2022)

Binary-state dynamics on complex networks: Stochastic pair approximation and beyond

Peralta, Antonio F.;Toral, Raul
Physical Review Research 2, 043370 (1-25) (2020)

Stochastic binary-state dynamics on complex networks: a theoretical analysis

Peralta, Antonio F. (supervisor: Raúl Toral)
PhD Thesis (2020)

Pair approximation for the noisy threshold q-voter model

R. Vieira, Allan; F. Peralta, Antonio; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi; Anteneodo, Celia
Physical Review E 101, 052131 (2020)

Reduction from non-Markovian to Markovian dynamics: The case of aging in the noisy-voter model

Peralta, Antonio F.;Khalil, Nagi;Toral, Raul
Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2020, 024004 (2020)

Proyectos de investigación vigentes


A Physics approach to sociotechnical systems: from theory to data analysis.

I.P.: Tobias Galla, Maxi San Miguel, Raúl Toral
APASOS objective is to use mathematical and computational methods combined with data and physics thinking to model complex socio-technical systems. APASOS is organized into two workpackages (WP). WP 1 focuses on models ...

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