Thermodynamics of Bose condensation in nonequilibrium quantum gases

Broadcast soon

Bose-Einstein condensates are ordered quantum states that manifest macroscopic quantum effects. Even though they were originally attained in equilibrium systems at low temperatures, they have also been observed in nonequilibrium steady states of driven open systems.  In this talk I'll focus on polaritons and phonos in microcavities, and show how these processes can be understood from the perspective of thermodynamics. I introduce a model to describe condensation of microcavity exciton-polaritons in which polaritons form the working medium of a heat engine whose work output is coherent light. I show how this perspective can be used to establish the conditions for condensation and relate them to fundamental thermodynamic constraints. To extend the analysis to a photon gas we use a kinetic approach to show that, with a resonant pump, it can be mapped to a three-level heat engine. By altering the pump, we demonstrate that condensation can be achieved using sunlight as a source.

Presential in the seminar room. Zoom link:

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Roberta Zambrini

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