Scaling properties of intraspecific and interspecific phylogenies in the Tree of Life

  • DFI

  • Alejandro Herrada Mederer
  • 6 de Abril de 2006 a las 14:30
  • Sala Multiusos, Ed. Cientifíco-Técnico
  • Announcement file

One of the greatest problems that we find nowadays in ecology and evolutionary biology is the explanation of the biological diversity on Earth. A comprehensive analysis of the shape of the Tree of Life provides a snapshot about the diversification patterns and the different (macro- and micro-) evolutionary events that take place during the evolution of organisms. As a first approach to the characterization of statistical features of the Tree of Life, we have performed a preliminary study of how branching properties change with network size to the study of the topological properties of the phylogenetic trees. With the aim to carry out both intra- and inter- specific evolutionary studies, we have compiled different phylogenetic trees of organisms of each five kingdoms (Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia) from several biogeographical analyses. The branching properties analyses reveal a universal scaling relationship between shape and size of the phylogenetic trees.

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