Optimal control of lake eutrophication

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Éloïse Comte
  • French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Envi- ronment (INRAE), Complex Systems Lab
  • 21 de Febrero de 2024 a las 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Sync with iCal
  • Announcement file

The constant growing of anthropogenic activities leads to a dete- rioration of water quality resources. In lakes, the accumulation of nutrients (as phosphorus) implies an algae development, including cyanobacteria, and thus a perturbation of the ecosystem : this is the eutrophication.

An optimal control problem for the lake eutrophication is considered. We model the dynamics of phosphorus stock and cyanobacteria concentration with coupled non- linear partial differential equations. Our control is only defined on the lake shore, thus leading to a Dirichlet boundary control problem. We discuss the originality of the model. We prove the well-posedness of the state problem and the existence of a global solution for the optimal control.


[1] C. Choquet and E. Comte, Optimal control of lake eutrophication. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 528(2), 2023.


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