Open doors day + Poster Party @IFISC 2017

  • Outreach Event

  • Emilio Hernández, Raúl Toral, Jorge Rodríguez, Daniel Ruiz, Miguel Soriano and Antònia Tugores
  • 6 de Febrero de 2017 a las 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

One more year and coinciding with the celebration of its 10 years, the Institute of Interdisciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC-CSIC / UIB) organizes its Open Doors Day destined to university students of the University of the Balearic Islands with the objective of giving to know the research work carried out in the center as well as its training offers. It is an open activity to students of any degree (being of special interest to the students of last courses) with intellectual and scientific restlessness. Throughout the activity will explain what the IFISC is and which are the lines of research of the center, emphasizing the interdisciplinary spirit of the institute.

The event will take place on Monday, February 6th at 1:30 p.m., IFISC seminar room Montserrat Casas. The activity will begin with a presentation of the center, how the IFISC works and the different research lines: transport and information in quantum systems, nonlinear photonics, nonlinear dynamics in fluids, biocomplexity and collective phenomena in social and socio-technical systems. The Master's Degree in Complex Systems Physics imparted by the IFISC will also be presented to the students, as well as the itineraries to be followed by those students interested in studying a doctorate. The presentation includes visits to the photonics laboratory and computer facilities.

Afterwards an appetizer will be offered to the participants, after which the IFISC Poster Party will begin, where the master and doctoral students and the postdoctoral researchers of the center will present their research in poster format. In a relaxed atmosphere, the students will be able to see firsthand what the young researchers of the Institute are working on.

It is a great opportunity for undergraduates to know what it means to dedicate themselves to research, as they will have the opportunity to chat directly with the IFISC researchers themselves as well as with doctoral students who can tell their personal experience and solve doubts.

Open Doors Day

13:30-14:00 Presentation of the IFISC - Emilio Hernández-García

14:00-14:15 Presentation of the IFISC's Master - Raúl Toral

14:15-14:30 Orientation on the research career - Jorge P. Rodríguez and Daniel Ruiz

14:30-14:50 Visit to the laboratories - Miguel C. Soriano and Antònia Tugores

14:50-15:00 Break

Poster Party

Organizers: Aleix Bassolas, Albert Cabot, Pedro Monroy and Miguel A. Sierra

15:00-16:15: First round of presentation of Posters

16:15-16:30: Break. Projection

16:30-17:45: Second round of presentation of Posters

17:45-18:00: Award Ceremony

Detalles de contacto:

Adrián García

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