(MdM Quantum meeting) A single superconducting vortex on a leash: Thermodynamics and applications

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We introduce the Single Vortex Box (SVB) – a nanodevice that allows to treat a single superconducting vortex as a macroscopic, albeit quantized “particle”, which can be created and annihilated on demand with pulses of electrical current [1]. Using the method of fast nanosecond-resolving switching thermometry [2], we measure the temperature rise and the subsequent thermal relaxation resulting from the expulsion of just a single magnetic field vortex out of the aluminum SVB. Our experiment provides a calorimetric estimation of the dissipation in a superconductor due to a single moving vortex. This is a feat of the fundamental importance that has never been accomplished before for the lack of appropriate tools. Our pioneering demonstration is also a pivotal step towards the development of the vortex electronics i.e. memory cells, superconducting diodes, logical elements and heat valves.

[1] M. Foltyn, K. Norowski, A. Savin, M. Zgirski, Quantum thermodynamics with a single superconducting vortex, Science Advances 10, eado4032 (2024).

[2] M. Zgirski, M. Foltyn, A. Savin, A. Naumov, K. Norowski, Heat Hunting in a Freezer: Direct Measurement of Quasiparticle Diffusion in Superconducting Nanowire, Phys. Rev. Applied 14, 044024 (2020).

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Gonzalo Manzano

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