Mathematical Analysis of Signed Networks: Structure and dynamics


This thesis contributes to the study of complex networks by analyzing the structure and dynamics of signed networks from a walk-based perspective. We show that walk enumeration can be leveraged to capture structural properties of signed networks, such as local balance, effective alliances or enmities, signed Euclidean distances, similarity metrics, and correlation coefficients. We also investigates how the structure of signed networks impacts dynamical processes taking place on them, focusing on standard and anomalous diffusion models, where structural balance is shown to influence the convergence towards a stationary state. Finally, we prove the practical utility of our theoretical results by applying them to the analysis of various real-world datasets.

Thesis supervisors: E. Estrada and S. Meloni


- Anxo Sánchéz, Carlos III University, Madrid, Spain

- Jesús Gómez Gardeñes, Zaragoza University, Zaragoza, Spain

- Sofia Teixera, Northeastern University, London, UK

The defense will be broadcasted in the following zoom link:

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Sandro Meloni

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