
Fluctuation theorems revisited: the role of imperfect monitoring and feedback Talk 16 de Diciembre de 2024 a las 11:00

José A. Almanza-Marrero , IFISC

Master Thesis - Asymmetries in mutual intelligibility: An information-theoretic approach Master Thesis 19 de Diciembre de 2024 a las 10:00

Víctor Tarassov Colomar , IFISC

Scientists must write, and they must try to do it well Talk 14 de Enero de 2025 a las 14:30

Tobias Galla , IFISC

Modeling External-Cavity Mode-locked Semiconductor Lasers Talk 26 de Mayo de 2004 a las 15:00

Josep Mulet , IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB

Finite size effects in noise driven systems: From neural systems to fashion spreading Talk 20 de Mayo de 2004 a las 15:00

Claudio J , Tessone

Spatial Structures in the Presence of Modulated Backgrounds Talk 19 de Mayo de 2004 a las 15:00

Gian-Luca Oppo , Department of Physics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow,Scotland, U.K.

The calcium signal and the regulation of ErbB receptors Talk 12 de Mayo de 2004 a las 15:00

Antonio Villalobo , Instituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas, CSIC y Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Raman scattering and its applications to optical amplification Talk 11 de Mayo de 2004 a las 15:00

Marco Santagiustina , Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell InformazioneUniversita di Padova

Optical angular momentum Talk 5 de Mayo de 2004 a las 14:30

Roberta Zambrini , Computational Nonlinear and Quantum Optics,Department of Physics,University of

Modal dynamics in semiconductor lasers: Bulk vs Quantum Well devices DFI 28 de Abril de 2004 a las 15:00

Luca Furfaro , DFI, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB

Parrondo\'s games and the zipping algorithm Talk 21 de Abril de 2004 a las 15:00

Pau Amengual , IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB

Quantum Chaos in Interacting Many-Body Systems Interdepartamental 21 de Abril de 2004 a las 12:30

Professor Sven Aberg , Mathematical Physics, Lund University, Sweden

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