• P.I.: Gonzalo Manzano, Roberta Zambrini
  • Start date: Sept. 1, 2023
  • End date: Aug. 31, 2026

CoQuSy is a coordinated project and joins all the researchers at IFISC (belonging either to CSIC or UIB) working in the common line of complex quantum systems. The coordination is motivated by administrative reasons being IFISC a joint institute of two different institutions. CoQuSy builds on the expertise of the three PIs on Quantum Information, Quantum Thermodynamics, Quantum Optics, and Many-Body Physics, continuing the research on Quantum Reservoir Computing started within the previous national plan project (PID2019) and incorporating new research lines on quantum neuromorphic memories, machine learning, quantum thermodynamics, and emergent phenomena like time crystals.


  • Gian Luca Giorgi

    Gian Luca Giorgi

  • Stefano Longhi

    Stefano Longhi

  • Eliana Fiorelli

    Eliana Fiorelli

  • Jose Antonio Almanza

    Jose Antonio Almanza

  • Marco Cattaneo

    Marco Cattaneo

  • Jorge García

    Jorge García

  • Adrià Labay

    Adrià Labay

  • Guillem Llodra

    Guillem Llodra

  • Antonio Sannia

    Antonio Sannia

Recent Publications

Skin effect in quantum neural networks

Sannia, Antonio; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Longhi, Stefano; Zambrini, Roberta
Submitted (2025)

Entanglement estimation of Werner states with a quantum extreme learning machine

Assil , Hajar; El Allati, Abderrahim; Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physical Review A 111, 022412 (2025)

Conditional fluctuation theorems and entropy production for monitored quantum systems under imperfect detection

Ferri-Cortés, Mar; Almanza-Marreo, José A.; López, Rosa; Zambrini, Roberta; Manzano, Gonzalo
Submitted (2025)

Quantum reservoir computing in atomic lattices

Guillem Llodrà, Pere Mujal, Roberta Zambrini, Gian Luca Giorgi
Submitted (2025)

Theoretical framework for quantum associative memories

Labay-Mora, Adrià; Fiorelli, Eliana; Zambrini, Roberta; Giorgi, Gian Luca
Submitted (2025)

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