Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: a model of social inte...
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Nonequilibrium transitions in complex networks: a model of social interaction
Klemm, Konstantin; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 67, 026120 (1-6) (2003)
We analyze the non-equilibrium order-disorder transition of Axelrod's model of social interaction in several complex networks. In a small world network, we find a transition between an ordered homogeneous state and a disordered state. The transition point is shifted by the degree of spatial disorder of the underlying network, the network disorder favoring ordered configurations. In random scale-free networks the transition is only observed for finite size systems, showing system size scaling, while in the thermodynamic limit only ordered configurations are always obtained. Thus in the thermodynamic limit the transition disappears. However, in structured scale-free networks, the phase transition between an ordered and a disordered phase is restored.