Ghost stochastic resonance in an electronic circuit
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Ghost stochastic resonance in an electronic circuit
Calvo, Oscar; Chialvo, Dante R.;
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 16, 731-735 (2006)
We demonstrate experimentally the regime of ghost stochastic resonance in the response of a Monostable Schmit Trigger electronic circuit driven by noise and signals with N frequency components: kf0+ f, (k +1)f0+ f, . . . , k+nf0+ f where k is an integer greater than one. It is veri ed that stochastic resonance occurs at the frequency fr = f0 +( f/(k + (N 1)/2)), as predicted in the theory. At the frequency for which the resonance is maximum there is no input energy, and thus this form is called ghost stochastic resonance.