
Noisy voter models in switching environments

Caligiuri, Annalisa; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 108, 044301 (2023)

Exploiting oscillatory dynamics of delay systems for reservoir computing

Goldmann, Mirko; Fischer, Ingo ; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Soriano, Miguel C.
Chaos 33, 093139 (2023)

Bifurcations in adaptive vascular networks: toward model calibration

Klemm, Konstantin; Martens, Erik Andreas
Chaos 33, 093135 (1-8) (2023)

Niche overlap and Hopfield-like interactions in generalized random Lotka-Volterra systems

Rozas Garcia, Enrique; Crumpton, Mark J; Galla,Tobias
Physical Review E 108, 034120 (2023)

Guest Editorial: Trends in Reservoir Computing

Scardapane, S.; Gallicchio, C.; Micheli, A; Soriano, M. C.
Cognitive Computation 15, 1407-1408 (2023)

A multisource transportation network model explaining allometric scaling

Xiang-Yu Jia, Er-Jian Liu, Yitao Yang, and Xiao-Yong Yan
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2023, 083404 (2023)

Dynamics of a chain of unidirectionally coupled non-identical Van der Pol oscillators with a sinusoidal input at the first node

Tchakui, Murielle Vanessa; Woafo, Paul; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
Pramana - Journal of Physics 97, 126 (1-8) (2023)

Mean-field dynamics of open quantum systems with collective operator-valued rates: validity and application

Fiorelli, Eliana; Müller, Markus; Lesanovsky, Igor; Carollo, Federico.
New Journal of Physics 25, 083010 (2023)

Endemic infectious states below the epidemic threshold and beyond herd immunity

Aguilar, Javier; Arregui García, Beatriz; Toral, Raúl; Meloni, Sandro; Ramasco, José J.;
Communications Physics 6, 187 (2023)

Network bypasses sustain complexity

Estrada, Ernesto; Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús; Lacasa, Lucas
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 120, e2305001120 (2023)

Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: coordination and equilibrium selection

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel Maxi
Scientific Reports 13, 11818 (2023)

A Merced de las Redes

Estrada, Ernesto
, Universo de las letras (2023)

Partisan Voter Model: Stochastic description and noise-induced transitions

Llabrés, Jaume; San Miguel, Maxi; Toral, Raul
Phys. Rev. E 108, 054106 (2023)

Irreversibility of symbolic time series: a cautionary tale

Arola-Fernández, Lluís; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review E 108, 014201 (2023) 108, 014201 (2023)

Empirical analysis and modeling of the allometric scaling of urban freight systems

Xu-Jie Lin, Er-Jian Liu, Yitao Yang, Xiang-Yu Jia, Xiao-Yong Yan
Europhysics Letters 143, 11002 (2023)

Stochastic Entropy Production: Fluctuation Relation and Irreversibility Mitigation in Non-unital Quantum Dynamics

Fiorelli, Eliana; Gherardini, Stefano; Marcantoni, Stefano.
Journal of Statistical Physics 190, 111 (2023)

Mutators can drive the evolution of multi-resistance to antibiotics

Gifford, Danna R.; Berrios Caro, Ernesto; Joerres, Christine; Suñé, Marc; Forsyth, Jessica H.; Bhattacharyya, Anish; Galla, Tobias; Knight Christopher G.
PLOS Genetics 19, e1010791 (2023)

Threshold cascade dynamics on coevolving networks

Min, Byungjoon; San Miguel, Maxi
Entropy 25, 929 (2023)

Inverse percolation by removing straight semirigid rods from bilayer square lattices

Pimentel, F.M.L.; De La Cruz Félix, N.; Ramirez, L.S.; Ramirez-Pastor, A.J.
Physical Review E 107, 064128 (2023)

Random sequential adsorption of self-avoiding chains on two-dimensional lattices

Ramirez, L S; Pasinetti, P. M.; Ramirez-Pastor, A.J.
Physical Review E 107, 064106 (2023)

An overview of network structures and node importance in the global aviation system from the year 2011 to 2022

Zanin, Massimiliano; Wandelt, Sebastian
Journal of the Air Transport Research Society 1, 63-80 (2023)

Demographic noise in complex ecological communities

Ferran Larroya, Tobias Galla
J. Phys. Complexity 4, 025012 (2023)

Measuring the pitch control of professional football players using spatiotemporal tracking data

Higgins, Lewis; Galla, Tobias; Prestidge, Brian; Wyatt Terry
J Phys Complexity 4, 025008 (2023)

Order-disorder transition in the zero-temperature Ising model on random graphs

Pournaki, Armin; Olbrich, Eckehard; Banisch, Sven; Klemm, Konstantin
Physical Review E 107, 054112 (1-5) (2023)

Optimal storage capacity of quantum Hopfield neural networks

Bödeker, Lukas; Fiorelli, Eliana; Müller, Markus.
Physical review research 5, 023074 (2023)

Topologically-induced suppression of explosive synchronization

Miranda, Manuel; Frasca, Mattia; Estrada, Ernesto
Chaos 33, 053103 (2023)

Chaotic renormalization group flow and entropy gradients over Haros graphs

Calero-Sanz, Jorge; Luque, Bartolo; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review E 107, 4 (2023)

Lyapunov Exponents for Temporal Networks

Caligiuri, Annalisa; Eguiluz, Victor; Di Gaetano, Leonardo; Galla, Tobias; Lacasa, Lucas
Physical Review E 107, 044305 (2023)

Randomized phase II clinical trial of ruxolitinib plus simvastatin in COVID19 clinical outcome and cytokine evolution

Garcia-Donas, Jesus; [...]; Zanin, Massimiliano; et al.
Frontiers in Immunology 14, 1156603 (2023)

Breakdown of Random-Matrix Universality in Persistent Lotka-Volterra Communities

Baron, Joseph W.; Jewell, Thomas Jun; Ryder, Christopher; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review Letters 130, 137401 (2023)

Fractional-Modified Bessel Function of the First Kind of Integer Order

Martin, Andres; Estrada, Ernesto
Mathematics 11, 1-13 (2023)

Markov-modulated model for landing flow dynamics: An ordinal analysis validation

Olivares, Felipe; Zunino, Luciano; Zanin, Massimiliano
Chaos: an interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 33, 033142(1-12) (2023)

On the complementarity of ordinal patterns-based entropy and time asymmetry metrics

Martínez, Johann H.; Ramasco, Jose J.; Zanin, Massimiliano
Chaos 33, 033138 (2023)

Ordinal analysis of lexical patterns

Sánchez, David; Zunino, Luciano; De Gregorio, Juan; Toral, Raúl; Mirasso, Claudio
Chaos 33, 033121 (1-12) (2023)

Predicting the power grid frequency of European islands

Onsaker, Thorbjørn Lund; Nygård, Heidi S.; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Mikut, Ralf; Jumar, Richard; Maass, Heiko; Kühnapfel, Uwe; Hagenmeyer, Veit; Schäfer, Benjamin
Journal of Physics: Complexity 4, 015012 (1-13) (2023)

Generalised Lotka-Volterra model with hierarchical interactions

Poley, Lyle; Baron, Joseph W.; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 107, 024313 (2023)

Propagation of Interactions among Aircraft Trajectories: A Complex Network Approach

López-Martín,Raúl; Zanin,Massimiliano
Aerospace 10, 213 (2023)

Frontiers in Complex Systems

San Miguel, Maxi
Frontiers in Complex Systems 1, 1080801 (2023)

Pulsed interaction signals as a route to biological pattern formation

Colombo, Eduardo H.; Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
Physical Review Letters 130, 058401 (1-5) (2023)

Measuring landing independence and interactions using statistical physics

Olivares, Felipe; Sun, Xiaoqian; Wandelt, Sebastian; Zanin, Massimiliano
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 170, 102998 (2023)

Complex systems in the spotlight: next steps after the 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics

Bianconi, G.; Arenas,A; Biamonte,J; Carr, L.D.; Kahng,B.; Kertesz,J.; Kurths, J.; Lü,L.; Masoller, C.; Motter, A.E.; Perc, M.; Radicchi,F.; Ramaswamy, R.; Rodrigues, F.A.; Sales-Pardo, M.; San Miguel, M.; Stefan, T. ; Yasseri, T.
J. Phys. Complexity 4, 0121 (2023)

Understanding small-scale COVID-19 transmission dynamics with the Granger causality test

Romero García, Carolina; Briz-Redón, Álvaro; Iftimi, Adina; Lozano, Manuel; De Andrés, José; Landoni, Giovanni; Zanin, Massimiliano
Archives of Environmental & Occupational Health 78 (5), 273-281 (2023)

Analysis of the blackout risk reduction when segmenting large power systems using HVDC lines

D. Gomila, B.A. Carreras, J.M. Reynolds-Barredo, P. Colet, and O. Gomis-Bellmunt
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 148, 108947 (2023)

Dynamical Model for Power Grid Frequency Fluctuations: Application to Islands with High Penetration of Wind Generation

Martínez-Barbeito, María; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 14, 1436-1445 (2023)

Organization of spatially localized structures near a codimension-three cusp-Turing bifurcation

Parra-Rivas, P.; Champneys, A.R.; Al-Sahadi, F.; Gomila, D. and Knobloch, E.
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 22, 2693-2731 (2023)

A zoom lens for networks

Klemm, Konstantin
Nature Physics 19, 318-319 (2023)

Self-organized sulfide-driven traveling pulses shape seagrass meadows

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel; Mayol, Elvira; Sintes, Tomàs; Hendriks, Iris E.; Hernández-García, Emilio; Duarte, Carlos M.; Marbà, N.; Gomila, Damià
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 120, e2216024120 (2023)

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