Which is the best operation we can perform to transform a classical state in a quantum one?

March 4, 2013

In a recently published work, Fernando Galve and Roberta Zambrini at IFISC, in collaboration with Francesco Plastina (Università della Calabria, Italy) and Matteo Paris (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy), provided an answer to this fundamental question. An indicator of non-classicality, called quantum discord, is considered to establish the discording power of different unitary transformations. Their theoretical analysis shows that there exist gates which are perfect "discorders" for states with any value of purity while there are other gates, even those universal for quantum computation, not sharing this property. This work was carried on at IFISC during the visits of both collaborators form Italy, funded by the UIB program of visiting professors, and has been recently published in Physical Review Letters.

Discording Power of Quantum Evolutions
F. Galve, F. Plastina, M. G. A. Paris, R. Zambrini
PRL 110, 010501 (2013)


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