Minister of Labour, Migrations and Social Security visits IFISC

July 10, 2018

On July 4th, the Minister of Labour, Migrations and Social Security, Mrs. Magdalena Valerio, and the President of the Government of the Balearic Islands, Mrs. Francina Armengol, visited IFISC to learn first-hand about the work of the three young professionals who have been hired at our institute under the framework of the SOIB Young People - Qualified Public Sector Programme.

During the visit, guided by the IFISC Director Maxi San Miguel, they were accompanied by the Rector of the UIB, Dr. Llorenç Huguet; the Councilor of Labour, Trade and Industry, Mr. Iago Negueruela; the Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalisation, Dr. Jaume Carot; the Vice-Rector for Innovation and Institutional Relations, Dr. Jordi Llabrés; the manager of the UIB, Mrs. Antònia Fullana; the Director General of Labour, Social Economy and Occupational Health, Mrs. Isabel Castro; the Director General of Employment and Economy, Mr. Llorenç Pou; and the Director of SOIB, Mr. Pere Torrens.

Foto: A. Costa (UIB)

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