The effect of temporal disorder on Complex Systems: Temporal Griffiths Phases (Master Thesis defense).

  • Talk

  • Ricardo Martínez García
  • Sept. 29, 2011, noon
  • Aula 5, Ed. Mateu Orfila
  • Announcement file

Systems with two symmetric absorbing states are known to exhibit a variety of phase transitions
to one of the absorbing states depending on the value of the control parameter. In this work, the effect on each phase transition of having a stochastic time dependent control parameter is investigated. The critical behavior is shown to change for dimensions higher than a critical one. Furthermore, a subregion in the active phase where the extinction time scales algebraically with the size of the system and measurable quantities such as the magnetic
susceptibility diverge, appears. This region is called Temporal Griffiths Phases because of its phenomenological similarities with the Grifftiths Phases in systems with spatial disorder

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Ricardo Martínez-García

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