Synchronization in networks with large delay and application to lasers

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Valentin Flunkert
  • Nov. 3, 2011, noon
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

I discuss synchronization in delay-coupled networks of identical
units. In general the stability of synchronization depends in a
complicated way on the coupling topology. I show that for large
coupling delay the problem is drastically simplified. The master
stability function used to determine the stability of the synchronous
solutions has a universal structure in this limit, which allows to
classify networks with respect to their synchronization
properties. This classification is independent of the type of nodes
and the type of coupling function. Further, I discuss the concept of
weak and strong chaos, which has important consequences for chaos
synchronization in the network. Finally, I show how these general
results can be applied to analyze network motifs of optically coupled

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Ernesto M. Nicola

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