There is an opening for a junior postdoc position associated to
the project SuMaEco (Sustainability of Marine Coastal Ecosystems
in the context of Global Change in the Mediterranean Sea: Modeling
and Simulations).
More information about the project can be found here:
The research program of SuMaEco addresses the mathematical and
computational modeling of elements of coastal ecosystems,
including the growth and spatial spread of marine plants (with
Posidonia oceanica as a case study), and the propagation of
pathogens in the marine environment (with diseases of the noble
pen shell (Pinna nobilis) as a case study), all of this in the
context of global change and the resilience of ecosystems to it.
Candidates interested in these or closely related topics should work with one
of the senior researchers working in this project: Damià Gomila,
Emilio Hernández-García, Manuel Matías, and Tomàs Sintes, to whom
they can contact.
Candidates should submit the following documents to
- Curriculum vitae
- Brief proposal (maximum 1 page) including
- Motivation to work at IFISC
- Research interests
- Name of two reference senior scientists
- Copy of a valid identity document.
We offer a 1-year contract, renewable until December 31st 2021,
date in which the project finishes. The gross annual salary (2019)
is 28441€, according to the CSIC scales, and will be increased
according to the public servants updates decided by the Spanish
The contract includes all the benefits of the Spanish Public
Health and Social Security system and has associated additional
financial support for the participation in conferences and
scientific meeting
Applications are welcome until the position is filled.
Starting date: preferably between February and April 2020.