Spatial decorrelation in broad-area edge-emitting semiconductor amplifiers

Barland, S.; Hachair, X.; Giudici, M.; Balle, S.; Tredicce, J.R. Tissoni, G.; Spinelli, L.; Lugiato, L.; Brambilla, M.
European Physical Journal D 32, 75-82 (2005)

We analyze experimentally the spatio-temporal dynamics of the transverse structures appearing in broad area edge-emitting semiconductor amplifiers under CW optical injection. We demonstrate that, in certain conditions, the light reflected by the system exhibits a multipeaked structure whose dependence on the parameters suggests an interpretation in terms of cavity solitons. These structures can exhibit self-pulsations with periods of the order of few milliseconds, which we explain in terms of regenerative thermal oscillations. In a particular device, we generate two single-peak structures which are spatially uncorrelated, as required for cavity solitons. A microscopic model shows good agreement with the main body of the experimental results.

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