
Human mobility: Models and applications

Barbosa-Filho, H; Barthelemy, M; Ghoshal, G; James, CR; Lenormand, M; Louail, T; Menezes, R; Ramasco, JJ; Simini, F; Tomasini, M
Physics Reports 734, 1-74 (2018)

How ants move: individual and collective scaling properties

Gallotti,Riccardo; Chialvo,Dante R.
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15, 20180223 (2018)

Tracking random walks

Gallotti,Riccardo; Louf,Remi; Luck,Jean-Marc; Barthelemy,Marc
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 15, 20170776 (2018)

New Data Sources to Study Airport Competition

Gallotti, Riccardo; Fuster, Marc; Ramasco, Jose J.
Procs.of the 7th SESAR Innovation Days, Eurocontrol, , (2017)

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