
Evolutionary games on multilayer networks: coordination and equilibrium selection

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel Maxi
Scientific Reports 13, 11818 (2023)

Coordination and equilibrium selection in games: the role of local effects

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 12, 3373 (2022)

The spectrum of early career physics

Feng, Chao-Hui; Moravec, Emily; Nanut, Tara; Raducha, Tomasz; Reshef, Orad; Sivakumar, Chandrasekar; Williams, LaNell A.
Nature Reviews Physics 3, 772-776 (2021)

Emergence of complex structures from nonlinear interactions and noise in coevolving networks

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 10 , 15660 (2020)

Coevolving nonlinear voter model with triadic closure

Raducha, Tomasz; Min, Byungjoon; San Miguel, Maxi
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 124, 3001 (2018)

Statistical mechanics of coevolving spin system

Raducha,Tomasz; Wiliński, Mateusz; Gubiec,Tomasz; Stanley, H. Eugene
Physical Review E 98, 030301 (R)(1-5) (2018)

Predicting language diversity with complex networks

Raducha, Tomasz; Gubiec, Tomasz
PLoS ONE 13, e0196593 (2018)

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