
Relation between Passage Time and Maximum Intensity in Semiconductor Laser Gain Switching

Balle, S.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Phenomena in Optical Systems, Eds. R.Corbalán and R. Vilaseca, SpringerVerlag, 293-297 (1991)

Relaxation in the Subcritical Pitchfork Bifurcation: From Critical to Gaussian Scaling

Colet, P.; De Pasquale, F.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. Rev. A 43, 5296-5307 (1991)

Squeezing Resulting from Fourth-Order Interaction in a Degenerate Parametric Amplifier with Absorption Losses

García-Fernández, P.; Colet, P.; Toral, R.; San Miguel, M.; Bermejo, F. J.
Phys. Rev. A 43, 4923-4929 (1991)

Statistics for the Transient Response of Single-Mode Semiconductor Laser Gain Switching

Balle, S.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. Rev. A 43, 498-506 (1991)

Stochastic Processes Driven by Colored Noise: A Path Integral Point of View

Wio, H. S.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M. A.
Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures III, Eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller, Kluwer, (1991)

Cylindrical Symmetry Restoring by Noise in Spontaneous Pattern Formation in Lasers

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Brambilla, M.; Lugiato, L.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, Optical Society of America Proc., Eds.N. B. Abraham, E. Garmire and P.Mandel, , 171-175 (1991)

Langevin Equations for Squeezing by Means of Nonlinear Optical Devices

Bermejo, F. J.; García-Fernández, P.; Balle, S.; Colet, P.; Toral, R.; San Miguel, M.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Phenomena in Optical Systems, Eds. R.Corbalán and R. Vilaseca, , 65-73 (1991)

Passage Time Statistics and Scaling laws in LSA Bistable Regimes

Papoff, F.; Dangoisse, D.; Fioretti, A.; Arimondo, E.; P. Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.
Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, Optical Society of America Proc., Eds. N. B. Abraham, E. Garmire and P. Mandel, , 293-296 (1991)

Squeezing Behavior of a Degenerate Paramp with Fourth-Order Interactions: Stationary and Transient Statistics

Cabrillo, C.; García-Fernández, P.; Bermejo, F. J.; Colet, P.; Toral, R.; San Miguel, M.
Nonlinear Dynamics and Quantum Phenomena in Optical Systems, Eds. R. Corbalan and R. Vilaseca, Springer Verlag, 131-136 (1991)

Relaxation Problems in Nonlinear Optical Systems

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Torrent, M. C.
Coherence and Quantum Optics VI, Eds. J. H. Eberly,L. Mandel and E. Wolf, , 179-184 (1990)

Theory for the Relaxation at a Subcritical Pitchfork Bifurcation

Colet, P.; De Pasquale, F.; Cáceres, M. O.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. rev. A 41, 1901-1911 (1990)

Path Integral Approach to the Colored Noise Problem

San Miguel, M.; Colet, P.; Wio, H. S.; Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M. A.
Noise and Chaos in Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Ed. F. Moss, L. Lugiato and W. Schleich, Cambridge University Press, 172-186 (1990)

Colored Noise: A Perspective from a Path-Integral Formalism

Colet, P.; Wio, H. S.; San Miguel, M.
Phys. Rev. A-Rapid Communications 39, 6094-6097 (1989)

Path Integral Formulation for Stochastic Processes Driven by Colored Noise

Wio, H. S.; Colet, P.; San Miguel, M. Pesquera, L.; Rodríguez, M. A.
Phys. Rev. A 40, 7312-7324 (1989)

Relaxation from a marginal state in optical bistability

Colet, P.; San Miguel, M.; Casademunt, J.; Sancho, J.M.
Physical Review A 39, 149-156 (1989)

Scaling Theory for the Relaxation Near Marginality in Optical Bistability

Colet, P.; Casademunt, J.; San Miguel, M.; Sancho, J. M.
Dynamics of Nonlinear Optical Systems, Eds. J. Bermejo and L. Pesquera, World Scientific, 268-272 (1989)

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