
Low-energy modeling of three-dimensional topological insulator nanostructures

Zsurka,Eduárd; Wang, Cheng; Legendre, Julian; Di Miceli, Daniele; Serra, Llorenç; Grützmacher, Detlev; Schmidt, Thomas L.; Rüßmann, Philipp; Moors, Kristof
Physical Review Materials 8, 084204 (1-11) (2024)

Topological properties of finite-size heterostructures of magnetic topological insulators and superconductors

Legendre, Julian; Zsurka, Eduárd; Di Miceli, Daniele; Serra, Llorenç; Moors, Kristof; Schmidt, Thomas L.
Physical Review B 110, 075426 (1-14) (2024)

Conductance asymmetry in proximitized magnetic topological insulator junctions with Majorana modes

Di Miceli, Daniele; Zsurka, Eduard; Legendre, Julian; Moors, Kristof; Schmidt, Thomas L., Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 108, 35424 (1-11) (2023)

Electronic and topological properties of bilayer graphene nanostructures

Benchtaber, Nassima (Supervisors: Serra, Llorenç and Sanchez, David)
PhD Thesis (2023)

Conductance of electrostatic wire junctions in bilayer graphene

Ryu, Sungguen; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B , 035424 (1-8) (2022)

Beating Carnot efficiency with periodically driven chiral conductors

Ryu, Sungguen; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç; Sanchez, David
Nature Communications 13, 2512 (2022)

Trivial and topological bound states in bilayer graphene quantum dots and rings

Benchtaber, Nassima; Sánchez, David; Serra, Llorenç
Physica Status Solidi B 2022, 2200023 (1-6) (2022)

Geometry effects in topologically confined bilayer graphene loops

Benchtaber, N.; Sánchez, D.; Serra, L.
New Journal of Physics 24, 013001 (1-11) (2022)

Scattering of topological kink-antikink states in bilayer graphene structures

Benchtaber, N.; Sánchez, D.; Serra, L.
Physical Review B 104, 155303 (1-9) (2021)

Fabry–Pérot interferometry with gate-tunable 3D topological insulator nanowires

Osca, Javier; Moors, Kristof, Sorée, Bart, Serra, Llorenç
Nanotechnology 32, 435002 (1-14) (2021)

Complex band-structure analysis and topological physics of Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
European Physical Journal B 92, 101 (1-19) (2019)

Magnetic orbital motion and 0.5e2/h conductance of quantum-anomalous-Hall hybrid strips

Osca, Javier: Serra, Llorenç
Applied Physics Letters 114, 133105 (1-5) (2019)

Spatial coupling of quantum-anomalous-Hall and chiral-Majorana modes

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
European Physical Journal - Special Topics 227, 2025–2035 (2019)

Conductance oscillations and speed of chiral Majorana mode in a quantum anomalous Hall two-dimensional strip

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 98, 121407(R)(1-4) (2018)

Circular dichroism of chiral Majorana states

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9, 1194-1199 (2018)

Majorana states in prismatic core-shell nanowires

Manolescu, Andrei; Sitek, Anna; Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Stanescu, Tudor D.
Physical Review B 96, 125435 (1-13) (2017)

Topological suppression of magnetoconductance oscillations in normal-superconductor junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physica Status Solidi B 254, 1700135 (2017)

Current distributions in stripe Majorana junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
The European Physical Journal B 90, 90:28(1-7) (2017)

In-gap corner states in core-shell polygonal quantum rings

Sitek, Anna; Tolea, Mugurel; Nita, Marian; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Manolescu, Andrei
Scientific Reports 7, 40197 (1-8) (2017)

Majorana physics in hybrid nanowires, topological phases and transport

Osca, Javier (Supervisors: Serra, Llorenç; López, Rosa)
PhD Thesis (2016)

Interplay between resonant tunneling and spin precession oscillations in all-electric all-semiconductor spin transistors

Alomar, M. I.; Serra, L.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review B 94, 075402 (1-11) (2016)

Resonant Anderson localization in segmented wires

Estarellas, Cristian; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review E 93, 032105 (1-6) (2016)

Quasi-particle current in planar Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 647, 012063 (1-4) (2015)

Electromagnetic absorption of quasi-1D Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physica Status Solidi C 12, 1409-1411 (2015)

Electron localization and optical absorption of polygonal quantum rings

Sitek, Anna; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar; Manolescu, Andrei
Physical Review B 91, 235429 (1-10) (2015)

Majorana states and magnetic orbital motion in planar hybrid nanowires

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 91, 235417 (1-8) (2015)

Negative tunneling magneto-resistance in quantum wires with strong spin-orbit coupling

Seungju, Han; Serra, Llorenç; Choi, Mahn-Soo
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27, 255001 (1-6) (2015)

A scattering model of 1D quantum wire regular polygons

Estarellas, Cristian; Serra, Llorenç
Superlattices and Microstructures 83, 184-192 (2015)

Electromagnetic absorption of semiconductor 2D Majorana nanowires

Ruiz, Daniel; Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 27, 125302 (1-9) (2015)

Seebeck effects in two-dimensional spin transistors

Alomar, M. I.; Serra, L.; Sánchez, D.
Physical Review B 91, 075418 (1-11) (2015)

Optical properties of 2D Majorana nanowires

Ruiz, Daniel (director Serra, Llorenç)
Master thesis (2014)

Effects of tilting the magnetic field in one-dimensional Majorana nanowires

Osca, Javier; Ruiz, Daniel; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 89, 245405 (2014)

Majorana mode stacking, robustness and size effect in cylindrical nanowires

Osca, Javier ; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç
European Physical Journal B 87, 84 (2014)

Majorana zero modes in smooth 1d junctions and cylindrical nanowires

Osca, Javier (Supervisors Serra, Llorenç and Lopez, Rosa)
Master Thesis (2013)

Snaking states on a cylindrical surface in a perpendicular magnetic field

Manolescu, Andrei; Rosdahl, Tomas Orn; Erlingsson, Sigurdur I.; Serra, Llorenç; Gudmundsson, Vidar
European Physical Journal B 86, 445 (1-12) (2013)

Majorana modes in smooth normal-superconductor nanowire junctions

Osca, Javier; Serra, Llorenç
Physical Review B 88, 144512 (1-9) (2013)

Emergence of Majorana modes in cylindrical nanowires

Lim, Jong Soo; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç
Europhysics Letters 103, 37004 (1-6) (2013)

Vertical g factor of hole quantum wires

Gelabert, M. Magdalena; Serra, Llorenç
Physica Scripta T151, 014051 (1-3) (2012)

Magnetic-field instability of Majorana modes in multiband semiconductor wires

Lim, Jong Soo; Serra, Llorenç; Lopez, Rosa; Aguado, Ramon
Physical Review B (Rapid Communications) 86, 121103(R) (1-4) (2012)

Transport through Majorana nanowires attached to normal leads

Lim, Jong Soo; López, Rosa; Serra, Llorenç
New Journal of Physics 14, 083020 (1-17) (2012)

Quantum physics with multimode light, electronic waveguides and driven oscillators at IFISC

Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gianluca; López, Rosa; Sánchez, David; Serra, Llorenç; Zambrini, Roberta
Optica Pura y Aplicada 44, 301-307 (2011)

Thermoelectric transport of mesoscopic conductors coupled to voltage and thermal probes

Sanchez, D.; Serra, L.
Physical Review B 84, 201307 (R) (1-4) (2011)

Enhancement of Rashba coupling in vertical In(0.05)Ga(0.95)As/GaAs quantum dots

Huang, S. M.; Badrutdinov, A. O.; Serra, L.; et al.
Physical Review B 84, 085325 (1-5) (2011)

Transport features of electron and hole quantum wires with Rashba coupling

Gelabert, M. Magdalena (Director: Serra, Llorenç)
PhD thesis (2011)

g-factor anisotropy of hole quantum wires induced by Rashba interaction

Gelabert, M.M.; Serra, L.
Physical Review B 84, 075343 (1-7) (2011)

Interference of Fano-Rashba conductance dips

Gelabert, M.M.; Renart, A.; Serra, L.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 23, 115301 (1-6) (2011)

Conductance oscillations of a spin-orbit stripe with polarized contacts

Gelabert, M M; Serra, L
European Physical Journal B 79, 341-349 (2011)

Linear conductance oscillations of quantum wires and stripes with Rashba interaction

Gelabert, M M; Serra, L
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 248, 012016 (1-8) (2010)

Multichannel effects in Rashba quantum wires

Gelabert, M.M.; Serra, Ll.; Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.
Physical Review B 81, 165317 (1-8) (2010)

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