Lenormand, Maxime; Louail, Thomas; Barthelemy, Marc; Ramasco, José J.
Procs. of the Spatial Accuracy Conference, Montpellier, France, 2016., , , 9-17 (2016)
Lenormand, M; Cantú-Ros, OG; Picornell, M;Louail, T; Herranz, R;Barthelemy, M;Frías-Martínez, E; San Miguel, M; Ramasco, JJ
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150449 (2015)
Lenormand, Maxime ; Louail, T; Cantu-Ros, O G; Picornell, M; R Herranz, R; Murillo Arias, J ; Barthelemy, M; San Miguel, Maxi; Ramasco, Jose J
Scientific Reports 5, 10075 (2015)
Perez, Toni; Fernandez-Gracia, Juan; Ramasco, Jose J.; Eguiluz, Victor M.
Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 9021, 173-181 (2015)
Lenormand, Maxime;Tugores, Antonia; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J
PLoS ONE 9, e105407 (2014)
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