
Quantum synchronization in dimer atomic lattices

Cabot, Albert; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review Letters 123, 023604 (1-6) (2019)

Unveiling noiseless clusters in complex quantum networks

Cabot, Albert; Galve, Fernando; Eguíluz, Victor; Klemm, Konstantin; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Zambrini, Roberta
npj Quantum Information 57, 4 (2018)

Completely subradiant multi-atom architectures through 2D photonic crystals

Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Annalen der Physik 530, 1800017(1-6) (2018)

Reconfigurable optical implementation of quantum complex networks

Nokkala, Johannes; Arzani, Francesco; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Piilo, Jyrki; Treps, Nicolas; Parigi, Valentina
New Journal of Physics 20, 053024 (2018)

Coherent and radiative couplings through 2D structured environments

Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 97, 033846 (1-10) (2018)

Dynamical and quantum effects of collective dissipation in optomechanical systems

Cabot, Albert; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
New Journal of Physics 19, 113007 (1-15) (2017)

Multi-ion sensing of dipolar noise sources in ion traps

Galve, Fernando; Alonso, J. ; Zambrini, R.
Physical Review A 96, 033409 (2017)

Microscopic description for the emergence of collective dissipation in extended quantum systems

Galve, Fernando; Mandarino, Antonio; Paris, Matteo G. A; Benedetti, Claudia; Zambrini, Roberta
Scientific Reports 7, 42050 (1-10) (2017)

Quantum correlations and synchronization measures

Galve, F; Giorgi, G.L.; Zambrini, R.
Lectures on General Quantum Correlations and their Applications, Edited by F. Fernandes Fanchini, D. de Oliveira Soares Pinto, G. Adesso, Springer, 393-420 (2017)

Synchronization and Quantum Correlations in Optomechanical Systems

Cabot,Albert (supervisors: R. Zambrini and F. Galve)
Master Thesis (2016)

Minimal model for spontaneous quantum synchronization

Benedetti,C.;Galve,F.;Mandarino,A.; Paris,M.G.A.; Zambrini,R.
Physical Review A 94, 052118 (1-10) (2016)

Probing the spectral density of a dissipative qubit via quantum synchronization

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini Roberta
Physical Review A 94, 052121 (1-9) (2016)

Complex quantum networks as structured environments: engineering and probing

Nokkala, Johannes; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta; Maniscalco,Sabrina; Piilo, Jyrki
Scientific Reports 6, 26861 (1-7) (2016)

Entropy production and thermodynamic power of the squeezed thermal reservoir

Manzano,Gonzalo;Galve,Fernando;Zambrini,Roberta;Parrondo,Juan M. R.
Physical Review E 93, 052120 (2016)

Non-Markovianity hinders Quantum Darwinism

Scientific Reports 6, 19607 (1-7) (2016)

Quantum Darwinism and non-Markovian dissipative dynamics from quantum phases of the spin-1/2 XX model

Giorgi, Gian Luca ; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 92, 022105 (1-7) (2015)

Quantum Otto cycle with inner friction: finite-time and disorder effects

Alecce,Antonio;Galve,Fernando;Lo Gullo,Nicola;Dell'Anna,Luca;Plastina,Francesco;Zambrini,Roberta
New Journal of Physics 17, 075007 (1-14) (2015)

Irreversible work and inner friction in quantum thermodynamic processes

Plastina, F; Alecce, A; Apollaro, TJG; Falcone, G; Francica, G; Galve, F; Lo Gullo, N; Zambrini, R.
Physical Review Letters 113, 260601 (1-5) (2014)

Energy and information propagation in a finite coupled bosonic heat bath

Galve, Fernando; R. Zambrini
International Journal of Quantum Information 12, 1560022 (2014)

Spectral origin of non-Markovian open-system dynamics: A finite harmonic model without approximations

Vasile, Ruggero; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 89, 022109 (1-9) (2014)

Entangling power of two-qubit gates on mixed states

Zhe Guan, Huan He , Yong-Jian Han , Chuan-Feng Li , Fernando Galve and Guang-Can Guo
Physical Review A 89, 012324 (1-5) (2014)

Information sharing in quantum complex networks

Cardillo, Alessio; Galve, Fernando ; Zueco, David; Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús
Physical Review A 87, 052312 (2013)

Avoiding dissipation in a system of three quantum harmonic oscillators

Physical Review A 87, 032114 (1-13) (2013)

Synchronization, quantum correlations and entanglement in oscillator networks

Manzano, Gonzalo; Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Zambrini, Roberta
Scientific Reports 3, 1439 (1-6) (2013)

Discording power of quantum evolutions

Galve, F.; Plastina, F.; Paris, M. G. A.; Zambrini, R.
Physical Review Letters 110, 010501 (1-5) (2013)

Quantum correlations and mutual synchronization

Gian Luca Giorgi, Fernando Galve, Gonzalo Manzano, Pere Colet and Roberta Zambrini
Physical Review A 85, 052101 (1-7) (2012)

Unified view of correlations using the square-norm distance

Bellomo, B.; Giorgi,G.L.; Galve, F.; Franco,R.L.; Compagno,G; Zambrini, R.
Physical Review A 85, 032104 (2012)

Quantum physics with multimode light, electronic waveguides and driven oscillators at IFISC

Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gianluca; López, Rosa; Sánchez, David; Serra, Llorenç; Zambrini, Roberta
Optica Pura y Aplicada 44, 301-307 (2011)

Robustness of different indicators of quantumness in the presence of dissipation

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini Roberta
International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 1825-1836 (2011)

Orthogonal measurements are almost sufficient for quantum discord of two qubits

Galve F.; Giorgi, G.L.; Zambrini, R.
Europhysics Letters 96, 40005 (2011)

Genuine quantum and classical correlations in multipartite systems

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Bellomo, Bruno; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review Letters 107, 190501 (1-5) (2011)

Maximally discordant mixed states of two qubits

Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 83, 012102 (1-5) (2011)

Bringing entanglement to the high temperature limit

Galve, Fernando; Pachón, Leonardo A.; Zueco, David
Physical Review Letters 105, 180501 (1-4) (2010)

Ion-trap simulation of the quantum phase transition in an exactly solvable model of spins coupled to bosons

Giorgi, G. L., Paganelli, S; Galve, F.
Physical Review A 81, 052118 (1-6) (2010)

Creation and manipulation of entanglement in spin chains far from equilibrium

F. Galve; D. Zueco; G. M. Reuther; S. Kohler; and P. Hänggi
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 180, 237-246 (2010)

Entanglement dynamics of nonidentical oscillators under decohering environments

Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 81, 062117 (1-10) (2010)

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