Noise-induced scenario for inverted phase diagrams
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Noise-induced scenario for inverted phase diagrams
M. Ibañes, J. García-Ojalvo, R. Toral and J.M. Sancho
Physical Review Letters 87, 20601 (2001)
We introduce a class of exactly solvable models exhibiting an ordering noise-induced phase transition in which order arises as a result of a balance between the relaxing deterministic dynamics and the randomizing character of the fluctuations. A finite-size scaling analysis of the phase transition reveals that it belongs to the universality class of the equilibrium Ising model. All these results are analyzed in the light of the nonequilibrium probability distribution of the system, which can be obtained analytically. Our results could constitute a possible scenario of inverted phase diagrams in the so-called Lower Critical Solution Temperature (LCST) transitions.
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