Chaos generation and synchronization using an integrated source with an air gap

Tronciu, V.Z.; Mirasso, C.; Colet, P.; Hamacher, M,; Benedetti, M.; Vercesi, V.; Annovazzi-Lodi, V.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46, 1840-1846 (2010)

We discuss experimentally and numerically the dynamical behavior of a novel integrated semiconductor laser subject to multiple optical feedback loops. The laser's structure consists of distributed feedback section coupled to a waveguide, an air gap section and two phase sections. It is found that the laser, due to the multiple feedback loops and under certain operating conditions, displays chaotic behaviors appropriate for chaos-based communications. The synchronization properties of two unidirectionally coupled (master-slave) systems are also studied. Finally, we find numerically the conditions for message encryption/extraction using the multiple-feedback lasers.

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