Aging in some opinion formation models: a comparative study

Physics 6, 515-528 (2024)

Changes of mind can become less likely the longer an agent has adopted a given opinion state. This resilience or inertia to change has been called “aging”. We perform a comparative study of the effects of aging on the critical behavior of two standard opinion models with pairwise interactions. One of them is the voter model, which is a two-state model with a dynamic that proceeds via social contagion; another is the so-called kinetic exchange model, which allows a third (neutral) state, and its formed opinion depends on the previous opinions of both interacting agents. Furthermore, in the noisy version of both models, random opinion changes are also allowed, regardless of the interactions. Due to aging, the probability of changing diminishes with the age, and to take this into account, we consider algebraic and exponential kernels. We investigate the situation where aging acts only on pairwise interactions. Analytical predictions for the critical curves of the order parameters are obtained for the opinion dynamics on a complete graph, in good agreement with agent-based simulations. For both models considered, the consensus is optimized via an intermediate value of the parameter that rules the rate of decrease of the aging factor.

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