Adler synchronization of spatial laser solitons pinned by defects

Paulau, P.V.; McIntyre, C.; Noblet, Y.; Radwell, N.; Firth, W.J.; Colet, P.; Ackemann, T.; Oppo, G.-L.
Physical Review Letters 108, 213904 (1-5) (2012)

Defects due to growth fluctuations in broad-area semiconductor lasers induce pinning and frequency shifts of spatial laser solitons. The effects of defects on the interaction of two solitons are considered in lasers with frequency-selective feedback both theoretically and experimentally. We demonstrate frequency and phase synchronization of paired laser solitons as their detuning is varied. In both theory and experiment the locking behavior is well described by the Adler model for the synchronization of
coupled oscillators.

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