
Robustness of different indicators of quantumness in the presence of dissipation

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini Roberta
International Journal of Quantum Information 9, 1825-1836 (2011)

Asymmetric charge susceptibility in a mesoscopic interferometer

Lim, J.S.; Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.
PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTORS: 30th International Conference on the Physics of Semiconductors, AIP Conference Proceedings 1399, 307-308 (2011)

Peculiarities of quantum discord´s geometric measure

Batle, J.; Casas,M.
Journal of Physics A 44, 505304 (1-13) (2011)

Thermoelectric transport of mesoscopic conductors coupled to voltage and thermal probes

Sanchez, D.; Serra, L.
Physical Review B 84, 201307 (R) (1-4) (2011)

Nonlocality and entanglement in qubit systems

Batle, J.; Casas, M.
Journal of Physics A 44, 445304 (1-26) (2011)

Scattering matrix approach to non-stationary quantum transport

Moskalets, M.;
, Imperial College Press, London (2011)

Orthogonal measurements are almost sufficient for quantum discord of two qubits

Galve F.; Giorgi, G.L.; Zambrini, R.
Europhysics Letters 96, 40005 (2011)

Quantum aspects of synchronization of coupled harmonic oscillators in presence of dissipation

Manzano Paule, Gonzalo (Supervisor: Zambrini, Roberta)
Master Thesis UCM (2011)

Genuine quantum and classical correlations in multipartite systems

Giorgi, Gian Luca; Bellomo, Bruno; Galve, Fernando; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review Letters 107, 190501 (1-5) (2011)

Transport features of electron and hole quantum wires with Rashba coupling

Gelabert, M. Magdalena (Director: Serra, Llorenç)
PhD thesis (2011)

Effect of many-body correlations on mesoscopic charge relaxation

Lee, Minchul; López, Rosa; Choi, Mahn-Soo; Jonckheere, Thibaut; Martin, Thierry
Physical Review B (Rapid) 83, 201304 (1-4) (2011)

Kramers polarization in strongly correlated carbon nanotube quantum dots

Lim, J.S.; Lopez, R.; Giorgi, G.L.; Sanchez, D.
Physical Review B 83, 155325 (1-8) (2011)

Extreme Fisher Information, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Reciprocity Relations

A. Plastino, F. Olivares, S. Flego, M. Casas
Entropy 13, 184-194 (2011)

g-factor anisotropy of hole quantum wires induced by Rashba interaction

Gelabert, M.M.; Serra, L.
Physical Review B 84, 075343 (1-7) (2011)

Interference of Fano-Rashba conductance dips

Gelabert, M.M.; Renart, A.; Serra, L.
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 23, 115301 (1-6) (2011)

Conductance oscillations of a spin-orbit stripe with polarized contacts

Gelabert, M M; Serra, L
European Physical Journal B 79, 341-349 (2011)

Tuning quantum correlations with intracavity photonic crystals

M. de Castro, Maria; Garcia-March, Miguel Angel; Gomila, Damia; Zambrini, Roberta.
Physical Review A 84, 033832 (1-6) (2011)

Linear conductance oscillations of quantum wires and stripes with Rashba interaction

Gelabert, M M; Serra, L
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 248, 012016 (1-8) (2010)

Nonlocality and entanglement in the XY model

Batle,J.; Casas,M.
Physical Review A 82, 062101 (2010)

Bringing entanglement to the high temperature limit

Galve, Fernando; Pachón, Leonardo A.; Zueco, David
Physical Review Letters 105, 180501 (1-4) (2010)

Entanglement and disorder: a mean field approach

de Pasquale, Ferdinando; Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physica Scripta T140, 014019 (1-5) (2010)

Factorized ground state in dimerized spin chains

Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physica Scripta T140, 014022 (1-4) (2010)

Josephson Current in Strongly Correlated Double Quantum Dots

Zitko,Rok; Lee, Minchul; López, Rosa; Aguado, Ramón;Choi,Mahn-Soo;
Physical Review Letters 105, 116803 (2010)

Spontaneous PT symmetry breaking and quantum phase transitions in dimerized spin chains

Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physical Review B 82, 052404 (1-4) (2010)

Kondo effect in spin-orbit mesoscopic interferometers

Lim, J.S.; Crisan, M.;Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.; Grosu, I.
Physical Review B 81, 235309 (1-8) (2010)

Ion-trap simulation of the quantum phase transition in an exactly solvable model of spins coupled to bosons

Giorgi, G. L., Paganelli, S; Galve, F.
Physical Review A 81, 052118 (1-6) (2010)

Magnetoasymmetric transport in a mesoscopic interferometer: From the weak to the strong coupling regime

Lim, J.S.; Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.
Physical Review B 81, 155323 (1-16) (2010)

Multichannel effects in Rashba quantum wires

Gelabert, M.M.; Serra, Ll.; Sanchez, D.; Lopez, R.
Physical Review B 81, 165317 (1-8) (2010)

Transport properties of a molecule embedded in an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer

Lim, Jong-Soo;López, Rosa;Platero,Gloria;Simon,Pascal;
Physical Review B 81, 165107 (2010)

Some features of the state-space trajectories followed by robust entangled four-qubit states during decoherence

Majtey,A.P.; Borras,A.; Plastino,A.R.; Casas,M.; Plastino, A.
International Journal of Quantum Information 8, 505-515 (2010)

Creation and manipulation of entanglement in spin chains far from equilibrium

F. Galve; D. Zueco; G. M. Reuther; S. Kohler; and P. Hänggi
European Physical Journal: Special Topics 180, 237-246 (2010)

Entanglement dynamics of nonidentical oscillators under decohering environments

Galve, Fernando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zambrini, Roberta
Physical Review A 81, 062117 (1-10) (2010)

Entanglement and symmetry effects in the transition to the Schrödinger cat regime

de Pasquale, Ferdinando; Giorgi, Gian Luca; Zannetti, Marco
Fortschritte der Physik 57, 1111-1120 (2009)

Optimized electron propagation on a quantum chain by a topological phase

Paganelli, S; Giorgi, G. L., de Pasquale, F.
Fortschritte der Physik 57, 1094-1102 (2009)

Control of light emission in Parametric Oscillators with Photonic Crystals

Moreno,M. (director Zambrini, R.)
Master thesis (2009)

Divergences in the 2-qubits space: Werner and thermal states

Borrás, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Applied Mathematical Sciences 3, 1041-1059 (2009)

Vortex Nucleation in Bose-Einstein Condensates due to Effective Magnetic Fields

Murray, D.R.; Ohberg, P.; Gomila, D.; Barnett, S.M.
Physical Review A 79, 063618 (1-5) (2009)

Typical features of the Mintert-Buchleitner lower bound for concurrence.

Borras, A.; Majtey, A.P.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M. and Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 79, 022112 (1-6) (2009)

Ground state factorization and quantum phase transition in dimerized spin chains

Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physical Review B 79, 060405(R)(1-4) (2009)

Robustness of highly entangled multiqubit systems under decoherence.

Borras, A.; Plastino, A.R.; Casas, M.; Plastino, A.
Physical Review A 79, 022108 (1-7) (2009)

Control of spatial instabilities with intracavity photonic crystals

Gomila, D; Moreno, M; Zambrini, R
2009 IEEE/LEOS WINTER TOPICALS MEETING SERIES (WTM 2009), , , 144-145 (2009)

Local spin polarization in a quantum wire induced by the Rashba interaction

Serra, L.; Sánchez, D.; López, R.
Physica E 40, 1479-1480 (2008)

Quantum-transmitting-boundary algorithm with local spin-orbit coupling

Serra, L.; Sánchez, D.
Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2006, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberger Platz 3, D-14197 Berlin, Germany, 449-453 (2008)

Singlet-triplet transition of a two electron quantum ring in magnetic and electric fields

Malet, F.; Pi, M.; Serra, L., Lipparini, E.
Physica E 40, 1492-1494 (2008)

Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire with local Rashba interaction

Sánchez, D.; Serra, L.; Choi, M.-S.
Physical Review B 77, 035315 (1-11) (2008)

Control of spatial quantum fluctuations using photonic crystals

Moreno, M.; Gomila,D.; Zambrini, R.
Proc. SPIE, , 7092, 709205 (1-8) (2008)

Hole recapture limited single photon generation from a single n-type charge-tunable quantum dot

Dalgarno, PA ; McFarlane, J; Brunner, D; Lambert, RW; Gerardot, BD; Warburton, RJ; Karrai, K; Badolato, A; Petroff, PM
Applied Physics Letters 92, 193103 (1-3) (2008)

Addition energies and density dipole response of quantum rings under the influence of in-plane electric fields

Malet, F.; Pi, M.; Barranco, M.; Serra, Ll.; Lipparini, E.
Physical Review B 76, 245302 (1-6) (2007)

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