
Stochastic and deterministic approaches to generalised random Lotka-Volterra communities

Ferran Larroya Paixa (Advisor: Galla, Tobias)
Master Thesis (2020)

Binary-state dynamics on complex networks: Stochastic pair approximation and beyond

Peralta, Antonio F.;Toral, Raul
Physical Review Research 2, 043370 (1-25) (2020)

Perturbations propagation in self-organized patterns

Abella, David (Advisor: D. Gomila)
Master Thesis (2020)

Efecto de la COVID-19 en Baleares: un estudio interdisciplinar

Mirasso, C. R. Ed.

Fundamentals of Information Processing on an Analog Reservoir Computer

Vettelschoss, Benedikt (Supervisors: André Röhm and Miguel C. Soriano)
Master Thesis (2020)

Dispersal-induced instability in complex ecosystems

Baron, Joseph William; Galla, Tobias
Nature Communications 11, 6032 (2020)

Explosive transitions in site percolation

Osorio,Dianela A. (Supervisors: R. Toral, P. Colet)
Master Thesis (2020)

Travel restrictions during pandemics: A useful strategy?

Zanin, Massimiliano; Papo, David
Chaos 30, 111103 (2020)

Introduction to the Chaos Focus Issue on the Dynamics of Social Systems

San Miguel, Maxi; Toral, Raul
Chaos 30, 12041 (2020)

Mitochondria interaction networks show altered topological patterns in Parkinson’s disease

Zanin, Massimiliano; Santos, Bruno FR; Antony, Paul MA; Berenguer-Escuder, Clara; B. Larsen, Simone; Hanss, Zoe; Barbuti, Peter; Baumuratov, Aidos S.; Grossmann, Dajana; Capelle, Christophe M.; Weber, Joseph; Balling, Rudi; Ollert, Markus; Krüger, Rejko; Diederich, Nico J.; He, Feng Q.
npj Systems Biology and Applications 6, 38 (2020)

A flexible method for optimising sharing of healthcare resources and demand in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic

Lacasa, Lucas; Challen, Robert; Brooks-Pollock, Ellen; Danon, Leon
PLoS ONE 15, e0241027 (2020)

Effects of demand control on the complex dynamics of electric power system blackouts

Carreras, Benjamin A.; Tchawou Tchuisseu, Eder Batista; Reynolds-Barredo, José M.; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
Chaos 30, 113121 (2020)

Stochastic binary-state dynamics on complex networks: a theoretical analysis

Peralta, Antonio F. (supervisor: Raúl Toral)
PhD Thesis (2020)

Emergence of complex structures from nonlinear interactions and noise in coevolving networks

Raducha, Tomasz; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 10 , 15660 (2020)

Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems

Sánchez, D.; Moskalets, M.
Entropy 22, 977 (1-4) (2020)

Fluctuations and correlations in Kerr optical frequency combs with additive Gaussian noise

Chembo, Yanne K.; Coillet, Aurélien; Lin, Guoping; Colet, Pere; Gomila, Damià
Chaos 30, 083146 (1-6) (2020)

Classical analogies for the force acting on an impurity in a Bose-Einstein condensate

Rønning, Jonas; Skaugen, Audun; Hernández-García, Emilio; López, Cristóbal; Angheluta, Luiza
New Journal of Physics 22, 073018 (1-14) (2020)

Variational Approach to KPZ: Fluctuation Theorems and Large Deviation Function for Entropy Production

H.S. Wio, M.A. Rodriguez & R. Gallego
Chaos 30, 073107 (1-8) (2020)

Tree decompositions of real-world networks from simulated annealing

Klemm, Konstantin
Journal of Physics: Complexity 1, 035003 (1-8) (2020)

Community Detection Boosts Network Dismantling on Real-World Networks

IEEE Access 8, 111954 - 111965 (2020)

Partial balance in social networks with stubborn links

Somaye Sheykhalia, Amir Hossein Darooneh, Gholam Reza Jafarid
Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 548, 123882 (2020)

First-passage times and normal tissue complication probabilities in the limit of large populations

Hufton, Peter; Buckingham-Jeffery, Elizabeth; Galla, Tobias
Scientific Reports 10, 8786 (1-12) (2020)

Pair approximation for the noisy threshold q-voter model

R. Vieira, Allan; F. Peralta, Antonio; Toral, Raúl; San Miguel, Maxi; Anteneodo, Celia
Physical Review E 101, 052131 (2020)

Adsorption transition of grafted ferromagnetic filaments controlled by external magnetic fields

Sánchez, Pedro A.; Novak, Ekaterina V.; Pyanzina, Elena S.; Kantorovich, Sofia S.; Cerdà, Joan J.; Sintes, Tomas
Physical Review E 102, 022609 (1-11) (2020)

Adiós al padre del caos

Galla, Tobias
El Pais, , 4 May (2020)

Altruism in populations at the extinction transition

Klemm, Konstantin; Khalil, Nagi
Physical Review Research 2, 013374 (1-13) (2020)

Termoelectricidad cuántica: conversión de energía a escala nanométrica

Sánchez, D.; Sánchez, R.
Revista Española de Física 34, 11-16 (2020)

Ecological communities from random generalized Lotka-Volterra dynamics with nonlinear feedback

Sidhom, Laura; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 101, 032101 (1-15) (2020)

Fluctuation theorems and large-deviation functions in systems not featuring a steady state

Wio, H.S.; Deza, R.R.; Revelli, J.A.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2020, 024009 (1-11) (2020)

Reduction from non-Markovian to Markovian dynamics: The case of aging in the noisy-voter model

Peralta, Antonio F.;Khalil, Nagi;Toral, Raul
Journal of Statistical Mechanics 2020, 024004 (2020)

Criticality in Pareto Optimal Grammars?

Seoane, Luis F.; Solé, Ricard V.
Entropy 22, 165 (2020)

Performance boost of time-delay reservoir computing by non-resonant clock cycle

Stelzer, Florian;Röhm, André;Lüdge, Kathy;Yanchuk, Serhiy
Neural Networks 124, 158-169 (2020)

Ultrafast relaxation of photoexcited superfluid He nanodroplets

Mudrich, M.;LaForge,A.C.; Ciavardini, A.; O’Keeffe,P.;Callegari, C.;Coreno,M.;Demidovich,A.;Devetta,M.; Di Fraia,M.; Drabbels,M.; Finetti,P.;Gessner,O.;Grazioli,C.;Hernando, A.;Neumark,D.M.;Ovcharenko,Y.; Piseri,P.;Plekan,O.;Prince,K.C.;Richter,R.;Ziemkiewicz,M.P.;Möller,T; Eloran, J.
Nature Communications 11, 112 (2020)

Ordering dynamics in the voter model with aging

Peralta, A. F.; Khalil, N.; Toral, R.
Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 552, 122475 (2020)

Phase transitions in persistent and run-and-tumble walks

Proesmans, Karel; Toral, Raul; Van den Broeck, Christian
Physica A-Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 552, 121934 (2020)

Dynamics of Posidonia oceanica meadows

Ruiz-Reynés, Daniel (Supervisor: Gomila, Damià)
PhD Thesis (2019)

A journey across the multiple scales of human mobility

Aleix Bassolas (Supervisors: José Javier Ramasco and Maxime Lenormand)
PhD Thesis (2019)

Cyclic structure induced by load fluctuations in adaptive transportation networks

Martens, Erik Andreas; Klemm, Konstantin
Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018 (edited by Faragó, István; Izsák, Ferenc; Simon, Péter L.), Springer International Publishing, 147-155 (2019)

Magnetic responsive brushes under flow in narrow slits: external field control of brush structure and flowing particle mixture separation

Cerdà, J. J.; Bona-Casas, C.; Pyanzina, E. S.; Sánchez, P. A.; Kantorovich, S.; Sintes, T.
Soft Matter 15, 8937–9160 (2019)

Intrinsic noise, Delta-Notch signalling and delayed reactions promote sustained, coherent, synchronized oscillations in the presomitic mesoderm

Baron, Joseph W.; Galla, Tobias
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 16 , 20190436 (1-13) (2019)

Spatiotemporal patterns in the Turing-Takens-Bogdanov scenario

Moreno-Spiegelberg, Pablo (supervisor Damia Gomila)
Master Thesis (2019)

A comparative study between two models of active cluster-crystals

Caprini, Lorenzo; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal; Marconi, Umberto Marini Bettolo Marconi
Scientific Reports 9, 16687 (1-13) (2019)

Cross-predicting the dynamics of an optically injected single-mode semiconductor laser using reservoir computing

Cunillera, Alejandro; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, Ingo
Chaos 29, 113113 (1-9) (2019)

Assessing the risk of default propagation in interconnected sectoral financial networks

Barja, Adrià; Martínez, Alejandro ; Arenas, Alex ;Fleurquin, Pablo ; Nin, Jordi ; Ramasco, Jose J.; Tomás, Elena
EPJ Data Science 8, 32 (2019)

Propagation of defaults in banking networks

María Martínez Barbeito (supervisor Pere Colet)
Master Thesis (2019)

Unraveling the decay of the number of unobserved ordinal patterns in noisy chaotic dynamics

Olivares, Felipe; Zunino, Luciano; Soriano, Miguel C.; Pérez, Darío G.
Physical Review E 100, 042215 (1-8) (2019)

Hierarchical organization of urban mobility and its connection with city livability

Bassolas,Aleix;Barbosa-Filho,Hugo;Dickinson,Brian;Dotiwalla,Xerxes;Eastham,Paul;Gallotti,Riccardo;Ghoshal,Gourab;Gipson,Bryant;Hazarie,Surendra A.; Kautz,Henry;Kucuktunc,Onur;Lieber,Allison;Sadilek,Adam;Ramasco,José Javier
Nature Communications 10, 4817 (2019)

A market model for exploitation and cooperation using the Minority Game

Ramon Marc García Seuma (Supervisor: Pere Colet)
Master Thesis (2019)

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