
Un nuevo demonio de Maxwell

Manzano, Gonzalo
Investigación y Ciencia (Scientific American), 539, 12-14 (2021)

Time-Delay Identification Using Multiscale Ordinal Quantifiers

Soriano, Miguel C.; Zunino, Luciano
Entropy 23, 969 (2021)

Detecting zealots in the Noisy Voter Model using Bayesian inference

Alvarez-Sanchez, Miguel (Supervisors: Tobias Galla and Maxi San Miguel)
Master Thesis (2021)

Effects of Control Limitations on the Power Grid Fluctuations

Sadurní Parera, Marc (Advisors: Damià Gomila and Pere Colet)
Master Thesis (2021)

Beyond the adiabatic limit in systems with fast environments: A tau-leaping algorithm

Berrios-Caro, Ernesto; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 104, 014122 (2021)

Path Laplacians versus fractional Laplacians as nonlocal operators on networks

Estrada, Ernesto
New Journal of Physics 073049, (2021)

Standard and inverse site percolation of straight rigid rods on triangular lattices: Isotropic and perfectly oriented deposition and removal

Ramirez, Lucia Soledad; Pasinetti, Pedro Marcelo; Lebrecht, Walter; Ramirez-Pastor, Antonio Jose
Physical Review E 104, 014101 (1-12) (2021)

Stochastic entropies and fluctuation theorems for a generic 1D KPZ system: internal and external dynamics

M.A. Rodriguez, R. Gallego & H.S. Wio
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 136, 58005 (2021)

Beyond pairwise network similarity: exploring mediation and suppression between networks

Lucas Lacasa, Sebastiano Stramaglia, Daniele Marinazzo
Communications Physics 4, (2021)

Data Analysis of Frequency Fluctuations in the Balearic Grid Before and After Coal Closure

Martínez-Barbeito, María; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere
ENERGY 2021: The Eleventh International Conference on Smart Grids, Green Communications and IT Energy-aware Technologies, , , 13-18 (2021)

Assessing Granger Causality on Irregular Missing and Extreme Data

Zanin, Massimiliano
IEEE Access 9, 75362 - 75374 (2021)

Persistent individual bias in a voter model with quenched disorder

Baron, Joseph William
Physical Review E 103, 052309 (2021)

Principles and open questions in functional brain network reconstruction

Korhonen, Onerva; Zanin, Massimiliano; Papo, David
Human Brain Mapping 42, 3680-3711 (2021)

¿A más seguidores, más éxito?: las matemáticas detrás de los 'influencers' y de las redes sociales

Estrada, Ernesto
Periodico ABC, Seccion ABCdario de la Matematicas, , 17 May (2021)

Predicting hidden structure in dynamical systems

Gauthier, Daniel J.; Fischer, Ingo
Nature Machine Intelligence 3, 281–282 (2021)

Loss of structural balance in stock markets

Ferreira, Eva; Orbe, Susan; Ascorbebeitia, Jone; Álvarez Pereira, Brais; Estrada, Ernesto
Scientific Reports 11, 12230 (1-10) (2021)

Local characterization of transient chaos on finite times in open systems

Drotos, Gabor; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
Journal of Physics: Complexity 2, 025014 (1-15) (2021)

Collision models can efficiently simulate any multipartite Markovian quantum dynamics

Cattaneo, Marco; De Chiara, Gabriele; Maniscalco, Sabrina; Zambrini, Roberta; Giorgi, Gian Luca
Physical Review Letters 126, 130403 (1-8) (2021)

Gaussian states of continuous-variable quantum systems provide universal and versatile reservoir computing

Nokkala, Johannes;Martínez-Peña, Rodrigo;Giorgi, Gian Luca; Parigi, Valentina;Soriano, Miguel C.;Zambrini, Roberta
Communications Physics 4, 53 (2021)

High-speed harvesting of random numbers

Fischer, Ingo; Gauthier, Daniel J.
Science 371 (6532), 889-890 (2021)

Thermodynamics of Gambling Demons

Manzano, Gonzalo; Subero, Diego; Maillet, Olivier; Fazio, Rosario; Pekola, Jukka P.;Roldán, Édgar
Physical Review Letters 126, 080603 (2021)

Computational Social Models (CSIC Libro Blanco)

Galla, Tobias; San Miguel, Maxi; Toral, Raul
CSIC Libro Blanco, , (2021)


Riva, Luis; Galla, Tobias; et al.
Libro Blanco Desafíos Científicos CSIC 2030, , (2021)

Switching environments, synchronous sex, and the evolution of mating types

Berríos-Caro, Ernesto; Galla, Tobias; Constable, George W. A.
Theoretical Population Biology 138, 28-42 (2021)

Numerical continuation for fractional PDEs: sharp teeth and bloated snakes

Ehstand, Noémie; Kuehn, Christian; Soresina, Cinzia
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 98, 105762 (2021)

Landscape-induced spatial oscillations in population dynamics

Dornelas, Vivian; Colombo, Eduardo H.; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio; Anteneodo, Celia
Scientific Reports 11, 3470 (1-11) (2021)

The soundscape of the Anthropocene ocean

Duarte, CM; Chapuis, L; Collin, SP; Costa, DP; Devassy, RP; Eguiluz, VM; Erbe, C; Gordon, TAC; Halpern, BS; Harding, HR; Havlik, MN; Meekan, M; Merchant, ND; Miksis-Olds, JL; Parsons, M; Predragovic, M; et al
Science 371, eaba4658 (2021)

A population-based controlled experiment assessing the epidemiological impact of digital contact tracing

Rodríguez, P.; Graña, S.; Álvarez-León, E.E.; Battaglini, M.; Darias, F.J.; Hernán, M.A..; López,R.; Llaneza, P.; Martín, M.C.; Radar Covid Pilot Group; Ramirez-Rubio, O.; Romaní, A.; Suárez-Rodríguez, B.; Sánchez-Monedero, J.; Arenas, A.; Lacasa, L.
Nature Communications 12, 587 (2021)

Zealots in multi-state noisy voter models

Khalil, Nagi; Galla, Tobias
Physical Review E 103, 012311 (2021)

Competition delays multi-drug resistance evolution during combination therapy

Berrios-Caro, Ernesto; Gifford, Danna R; Galla, Tobias
Journal of Theoretical Biology 509, 110524 (1-15) (2021)

Editorial on the Research Topic Fundamentals and Applications of AI: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Eguiluz, V.; Mirasso, C. R.; Vicente, R.
Frontiers in Physics Interdisciplinary Physics 19, (2021)

Mapping coupled time-series onto a complex network

Jamshid Ardalankia, Jafar Askari, Somaye Sheykhali, Emmanuel Haven and G. Reza Jafari
EPL 132(5), 58002 (2021)

Informational cost and networks navigability

Estrada, Ernesto
Applied Mathematics and Computation 397, 125914 (2021)

Species exclusion and coexistence in a noisy voter model with a competition-colonization tradeoff

Martínez-García, Ricardo; López, Cristóbal; Vazquez, Federico
Physical Review E 103, 032406 (2021)

Colloidal magnetic brushes: influence of the magnetic content and presence of short-ranged attractive forces in the micro-structure and field response.

Cerdà, J.J.; Bona-Casas, C.; Cerrato, A.; Sintes, T.; Massó, J.
Soft Matter 17, 5780-5791 (2021)

Degree irregularity and rank probability bias in network meta‐analysis

Davies, Annabel L; Galla, Tobias
Research Synthesis Methods , (1-17) (2021)

Editorial: Nonlinear dynamics and networks in sports

Buldú, Javier M; Gómez, Miguél-Ángel; Herrera-Diestra, José Luis; Martínez, Johann H
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 142, 110518 (2021)

Geospatial distributions reflect temperatures of linguistic features

Kauhanen, Henri; Gopal, Deepthi; Galla, Tobias; Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo
Science Advances 7, eabe6540 (1-10) (2021)

Modeling brain reorganization after hemispherectomy

Seoane, L.; Solé, R.
Submitted (2021)

Uncertainty in Functional Network Representations of Brain Activity of Alcoholic Patients

Zanin, Massimiliano; Belkoura, Seddik; Gomez, Javier; Alfaro, César; Cano, Javier
Brain Topography 34, 6-18 (2021)

Analysis and simulation of a Palma de Mallorca hospital emergency department

Aviñó, Laura (Advisors: Raúl Toral, Claudio Mirasso, Ángel del Río)
Master Thesis (2020)

Hypoxic response in cancer progression: modeling HIF activation

Ferrante, Patrizia (Advisors: Toral, Raul; Flandoli, Franco)
Master Thesis (2020)

Dynamics in cortical activity revealed by resting-state MEG rhythms

Mendoza-Ruiz, J; Alonso-Malaver, E; Valderrama, M, Rosso, A, Martinez, Johann. H.
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 30, 123138 (2020)

Portfolio Optimization with Random Matrix Theory and Artificial Neural Networks

Titz, Robert (Advisor: Colet, Pere)
Master Thesis (2020)

Effects of third order dispersion on the instabilities of Kerr frequency combs

Ramon Saleta-Piersanti Besga (Advisor: D. Gomila)
Master Thesis (2020)

Collective effects in voltage-gated protein ensembles

Fullana Sánchez, Antonia (Advisor: Sintes, Tomás)
Master Thesis (2020)

Competition between Mediterranean clonal seagrasses

Abio Rojo, Albert (Advisor: Sintes, Tomás)
Master Thesis (2020)

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