
Coevolution and local versus global interactions in collective dynamics of opinion formation, cultural dissemination and social learning

González-Avella Juan Carlos (Supervisors: M. San Miguel and V.M. Eguiluz)
PhD Thesis , (2010)

Epidemics and chaotic synchronization in recombining monogamous populations

Vazquez, Federico; Zanette, Damian
Physica D 239, 1922-1928 (2010)

On the Gaussian approximation for master equations

F. Lafuerza, Luis; Toral, Raul
Journal of Statistical Physics 140, 917-933 (2010)

Inward Rotating Spiral Waves in Glycolysis

Straube, R; Vermeer, S; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Mair T.
Biophysical Journal 99, L4-L6 (2010)

The constructive role of diversity on the global response of coupled neuron systems

Perez, Toni; Mirasso, Claudio R.; Toral, Raul; Gunton, James
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 368, 5619-5632 (2010)

Divide and conquer

Vaz Martins, T. (director R. Toral)
Master Thesis (2010)

Global dynamics of a family of 3D Lotka-Volterra Systems

Murza, Adrian C. ; Teruel, Antonio E.
Dynamical Systems 25, 269-284 (2010)

Preface "Nonlinear processes in oceanic and atmospheric flows"

Mancho, A.M.; Wiggins, S.; Turiel, A.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Lopez, C.; Garcia-Ladona, E.
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 17, 283-285 (2010)

Nonlinear Dynamics in Photonic Systems: Generic models for semiconductor ring lasers & dissipative solitons

Gelens, Lendert (Directors: J. Danckaert, G. Van der Sande and D. Gomila)
PhD Thesis (2010)

Effects of noise on excitable dissipative solitons

Jacobo, Adrian; Gomila, Damià; Matías, Manuel A.; Colet, Pere
European Physical Journal D 59, 37-42 (2010)

Nonlocality-induced front interaction enhancement

Gelens, L.; Gomila, D.; Van der Sande, G.; Matías, M.A.; Colet, P.
Physical Review Letters 104, 154101 (1-4) (2010)

Resonance induced by repulsive interactions in a model of globally coupled bistable systems

Vaz Martins, Teresa; Livina, Valerie, N.; Majtey, Ana P.; Toral, Raúl
Physical Review E 81, 041103 (2010)

Agent Based Models of Language Competition: Macroscopic descriptions and Order-Disorder transitions

Vazquez, Federico; Castello, Xavi; San Miguel, Maxi
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2010, P04007 (2010)

Anomalies in the transcriptional regulatory network of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Tugrul, Murat; Kabakcioglu, Alkan
Journal of Theoretical Biology 263, 328-336 (2010)

How Gaussian competition leads to lumpy or uniform species distributions

Pigolotti, Simone; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio; Andersen, Ken H.
Theoretical Ecology 3, 89-96 (2010)

Robustness of Transcriptional Regulation in Yeast-like Model Boolean Networks

Tugrul, Murat; Kabakcioglu, Alkan
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 929-935 (2010)

Simple models for scaling in phylogenetic trees

Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Tugrul, Murat; Herrada, E. Alejandro; Eguíluz, V.M.; Klemm, Konstantin
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 20, 805-811 (2010)

Information flow during the quantum-classical transition

Kowalski, Andres M.; Martin, Maria T.; Plastino, Angelo; Zunino, Luciano
Physics Letters A 374, 1819-1826 (2010)

Difusioonist jõuväljades

Heinsalu, Els
Eesti Füüsika Seltsi Aastaraamat 2009, Eesti Füüsika Selts, 62-92 (2010)

Chaos-Based Optical Communications: Encryption Vs. Nonlinear Filtering

Jacobo, A.; C. Soriano, M.; Mirasso C. R.; Colet, P.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46, 499-505 (2010)

Complexity-entropy causality plane: a useful approach to quantify the stock market inefficiency

Zunino, Luciano; Zanin, Massimiliano; Tabak, Benjamin M.; Pérez, Darío G.; Rosso, Osvaldo A.
Physica A 389, 1891-1901 (2010)

The Quantum-Classical Transition as an Information Flow

Kowalski, Andres M.; Martin, Maria T.; Zunino, Luciano; Plastino, Angelo; Casas, Montserrat
Entropy 12, 148-160 (2010)

Dynamical phase coexistence: a simple solution to the savanna problem

Vazquez, Federico; López, Cristobal; Calabrese, Justin and Muñoz, Miguel Angel
Journal of Theoretical Biology 264, 360-366 (2010)

Basic kinetic wealth-exchange models: common features and open problems

Patriarca, Marco; Heinsalu, Els; Chakraborti, Anirban
European Physical Journal B 73, 145-153 (2010)

Problems of Social Consensus: Voting , Language, Culture...

Maxi San Miguel
, Actar and Arts Santa Mònica (2009)

Effects of microstructures on mesoscopic morphological transitions in deposition growth models

Sánchez, P. A.; Sintes, T.; Piro, O.; Cartwright, J. H. E.
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Science 465, 3875-3884 (2009)

Multifractal detrended cross-correlation analysis of temporal and spatial seismic data

Shadkhoo, S.; Jafari, G. R.
European Physical Journal B 72, 679-683 (2009)

A variational principle for the Pareto power law

Chakraborti, Anirban; Patriarca, Marco;
Physical Review Letters 103, 228701 (1-4) (2009)

Spherical brushes within spherical cavities: A self- consistent field and Monte Carlo study.

Cerdà, J.J.; Sintes, T.; Toral, R.
Journal of Chemical Physics 131, 134901 (2009)

Diversity-induced resonance in a model for opinion formation

Tessone, Claudio Juan; Toral, Raúl
European Physical Journal B 71, 549-555 (2009)

Diversity-induced resonance in a system of globally coupled linear oscillators

Toral, Raul; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio;Gunton, James D.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 19, 3499-3508 (2009)

Residential segregation and cultural dissemination: An Axelrod-Schelling model

Gracia-Lázaro C.,Lafuerza L. F.,Floría L. M. and Moreno Y.
Physical Review E 80, 046123 (1-5) (2009)

RED: A Set of Molecular Descriptors Based on Renyi Entropy

Delgado-Soler, Laura; Toral, Raul; Santos Tomás, M.; Rubio-Martinez, Jaime
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 49, 2457-2468 (2009)

Chemical and Biological Processes in Fluid Flows: A Dynamical Systems Approach

Neufeld, Zoltan; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
, Imperial College Press, London (2009)

Gaussian approximation to the resolution of master equations

Fernández Lafuerza, Luis (Director Raúl Toral)
Master thesis (2009)

Resonance Induced by Repulsive Links

Vaz Martins, Teresa; Toral, Raúl
Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics - Model and Design of Complex Systems (In, Visarath; Longhini, Patrick; Palacios, Antonio, eds), XII, Springer Verlag, 439-444 (2009)

Simple Branching Models for Macroevolution

Tugrul, Murat (Directors: Emilio Hernandez-Garcia and Victor M. Eguiluz)
Master Thesis (2009)

Reply to Slater: Extracting the backbone of multiscale networks

Serrano, M. Angeles; Boguña, Marian; Vespignaini, Alessandro
Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 106, E67 (2009)

Gradual learning and the evolution of cooperation in the spatial continuous prisoner´s dilemma

Jimenez, Raul; Lugo, Hayde; San Miguel, Maxi
European Physical Journal B 71, 273-280 (2009)

Drifting instabilities of cavity solitons in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers with frequency-selective feedback

Paulau, P.V.; Gomila, D.; Colet, P.; Matías, M.A.; Loiko, N.A.; Firth, W.J.
Physical Review A 80, 023808 (1-8) (2009)

Mapping stochastic processes onto complex networks

Shirazi, A. H. ; Reza Jafari, G.; Davoudi, J; Peinke, J.;Reza Rahimi Tabar M.; Sahimi Muhammad
Journal of Statistical Mechanics-Theory and Experiment , P07046 (2009)

Vortex Nucleation in Bose-Einstein Condensates due to Effective Magnetic Fields

Murray, D.R.; Ohberg, P.; Gomila, D.; Barnett, S.M.
Physical Review A 79, 063618 (1-5) (2009)

Noisy continuous-opinion dynamics

M. Pineda, R. Toral and E. Hernandez-Garcia
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment P08001, (1-18) (2009)

Top marine predators track Lagrangian coherent structures

Tew Kai, E.; Rossi, V.; Sudre, J.; Weimerskirch, H.; Lopez, C.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Marsac, F.; Garçon, V.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA (PNAS) 106, 8245-8250 (2009)

Stochastic resonance in bistable confining potentials

Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco; Marchesoni, Fabio
European Physical Journal B 69, 19-22 (2009)

Fractional Fokker-Planck subdiffusion in alternating force fields

Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco; Goychuk, Igor; Hänggi, Peter
Physical Review E 79, 041137 (2009)

Predict-prevent control method for perturbed excitable systems

Ciszak,Marzena; Mirasso,Claudio; Toral,Raúl; Calvo,Oscar
Physical Review E 79, 046203 (1-5) (2009)

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