
Role of delay in the stochastic creation porcess

Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral, Raul
Physical Review E 84, 021128 (1-9) (2011)

Towards easier realization of time-delayed feedback control of odd-number orbits

Flunkert, Valentin; Schöll, Eckehard
Physical Review E 84, 016214 (1-12) (2011)

Update rules and interevent time distributions: Slow ordering vs. no ordering in the Voter Model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 84, 015103 (2011)

Experimental Study of the Synchronization of Two Delay-Coupled Semiconductor Lasers

Porte Parera, Xavier (Supervisors: Fischer, Ingo; Soriano, Miguel C.)
Master Thesis (2011)

Phase clustering in complex networks of delay-coupled oscillatos

Pérez, Toni; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Arenas, Alex
Chaos 21, 025111 (2011)

Econophysics Review: I. Empirical facts

Chakraborti, Anirban; Tokeb, Ioane Muni; Patriarca, Marco; Abergel,Frederic;
Quantitative Finance 11, 991-1012 (2011)

Econophysics Review: II. Agent-based models

Chakraborti, Anirban; Tokeb, Ioane Muni; Patriarca, Marco; Abergel,Frederic;
Quantitative Finance 11, 1013-1041 (2011)

Scaling properties of protein family phylogenies

Herrada, E.A.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Hernández-García, E.; Duarte, C.M.
BMC Evolutionary Biology 11, 155 (1-9) (2011)

Model of the Self-Q-Switching Instability of Passively Phased Fiber Laser Arrays

Bochove, Erik J.; Aceves, Alejandro B.; Braiman, Yehuda; Colet, Pere; Deiterding, Ralf; Jacobo, Adrián; Miller, Casey A.; Rhodes, Charley; Shakir, Sami A.
IEEE J. Quantum Electronics 47, 777-785 (2011)

Effect of the topology and delayed interactions in neuronal networks synchronization

Pérez, Toni; García, Guadalupe; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Vicente, Raúl; Pipa, Gordon; Mirasso, Claudio
PLoS ONE 6(5), e19900 (2011)

Threshold learning dynamics in social networks

González-Avella, Juan Carlos; Eguíluz, Victor M; Marsili, Matteo; Vega-Redondo, Fernando; San Miguel, Maxi
PLoS ONE 6(5), e20207 (2011)

Structural and functional networks in complex systems with delay

Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Pérez, Toni; Borge-Holthoefer, Javier; Arenas, Alex
Physical Review E 83, 056113 (2011)

Temporal Griffiths Phases

Vazquez, Federico; Bonachela, Juan Antonio; López, Cristóbal; Muñoz, Miguel Angel
Physical Review Letters 106, 235702 (2011)

Noise-induced transitions vs. noise-induced phase transitions

Toral, Raul
NONEQUILIBRIUM STATISTICAL PHYSICS TODAY: Proceedings of the 11th Granada Seminar on Computational and Statistical Physics, AIP Conference Proceedings, , 1332, 145-154 (2011)

Finding statistically significant communitites in networks

Lancichinetti, A.;Radicchi, F.;Ramasco, J.J.;Fortunato, S.
PLos ONE 6, e18961 (2011)

Oscillation patterns in tori of FHN neurons

Murza, Adrian C.
Applied Mathematical Modelling 35, 1096-1106 (2011)

Wikipedia information flow analysis reveals the scale-free architecture of the Semantic Space

Masucci, A.P.; Kalampokis, A.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Hernández-García, E.
PLoS ONE 6, e17333 (2011)

Extracting directed information flow networks: an application to genetics and semantics

Masucci, A.P.; Eguíluz, V.M.; Hernández-Garcia, E.; Kalampokis, A.;
Physical Review E 83, 026103 (1-6) (2011)

From one- to two-dimensional solitons in the Ginzburg-Landau model of lasers with frequency selective feedback

Paulau, P.V.; Gomila, D.; Colet, P.; Malomed, B.A.; Firth, W.J.
Physical Review E 84, 036213 (1-7) (2011)

Synchronization and entrainment of coupled circadian oscillators

Komin, Niko; Murza, Adrian C.; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Toral , Raul
Interface Focus 1, 167-176 (2011)

Updating rules and the voter model

Fernández-Gracia, Juan (Supervisors San Miguel, Maxi and Eguíluz,Víctor M.)
Master Thesis (2011)

Human Mobility Networks, Travel Restrictions, and the Global Spread of 2009 H1N1 Pandemic

Bajardi, Paolo; Poletto, Chiara; Ramasco, Jose J; Tizzoni, Michele; Colizza, Vittoria; Vespignani, Alessandro
PLoS ONE 6, e16591 (2011)

Synchronisation Induced by Repulsive Interactions in a System of van der Pol Oscillators

Vaz Martins, Teresa; Toral, Raúl
Progress of Theoretical Physics 126, 353-368 (2011)

Extreme Fisher Information, Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics and Reciprocity Relations

A. Plastino, F. Olivares, S. Flego, M. Casas
Entropy 13, 184-194 (2011)

Viability and Resilience in the Dynamics of Language Competition

Castelló, Xavier; Vazquez, Federico; Eguíluz, Víctor M.; Loureiro-Porto, Lucía; San Miguel, Maxi; Chapel, Laetitia; Deffuant, Guilaume
Viability and Resilience of Complex Systems. Concepts, Methods and Case Studies from Ecology and Society. G. Deffuant and N. Gilbert, eds., Springer, 39-74 (2011)

How reliable are Finite-Size Lyapunov Exponents for the assessment of ocean dynamics?

Hernandez-Carrasco, Ismael; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio; Turiel, Antonio
Ocean Modelling 36, 208-218 (2011)

Semiflexible magnetic filaments near attractive flat surfaces: a Langevin dynamics study

Sanchez, P.A.; Cerda, J.J.; Balleneger, V.; Sintes, T.; Piro, O.; Holm, C.
Soft Matter 7, 1809-1818 (2011)

Commodity predictability analysis with a permutation information theory approach

Zunino, Luciano; Tabak, Benjamin M.; Serinaldi, Francesco; Zanin, Massimiliano; Pérez, Darío G.; Rosso, Osvaldo A.
Physica A 390, 876-890 (2011)

Diffusing opinions in bounded confidence processes

M. Pineda , R. Toral, and E. Hernandez-Garcia.
European Physical Journal D 62, 109-117 (2011)

Interaction of oscillatory and excitable dissipative solitons in a nonlinear optical cavity

Gomila, Damià; Jacobo, Adrian; Matías, Manuel A.; Colet, Pere
Localized States in Physics: Solitons and Patterns (O. Descalzi, M. Clerc, S. Residori & G. Assanto, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 241-264 (2011)

Amplitude and phase effects on the synchronization of delay-coupled oscillators

D’Huys, Otti; Vicente, Raul; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo
Chaos 20, 043127 (1-10) (2010)

All Optical Logical Operations Using Excitable Cavity Solitons

Jacobo, Adrian; Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Matías, Manuel
2010 IEEE Photonics Society Winter Topicals Meeting Series, IEEE, , 122-123 (2010)

Space-time-dynamic model of passively-phased ring-geometry fiber laser array

Bochove, Erik J.; Aceves, Alejandro B.; Deiterding, Ralf; Crabtree, Lily; Braiman, Yehuda; Jacobo, Adrian; Colet, Pere
Fiber Lasers VII: Technology, Systems, and Applications, Proc. SPIE, SPIE, 7580, 758026 (2010)

Spatial clustering of interacting bugs: Levy flights versus Gaussian jumps

Heinsalu, Els; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio; Lopez, Cristobal
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 92, 40011 (1-6) (2010)

Biological Impact of Ocean Transport: A Finite-Size Lyapunov Characterization

Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Bettencourt, J.H.; Garcon, V.; Hernandez-Carrasco, I.; Lopez, C.; Rossi, V.; Sudre, J.; Tew Kai, E.
Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Nonlinear Science and Complexity, Ankara, July 2010 (Ed. by D. Baleanu, Z.B. Guvenc and O. Defterli),, , Article Number 54 (2010)

Synchronization and symmetry breaking of delay-coupled oscillators: on the role of phase and amplitude instabilities

D’Huys, Otti ; Danckaert, Jan; Vicente, Raul; Fischer, Ingo
Proceedings of SPIE, , 7720, 772023 (2010)

Chaos generation and synchronization using an integrated source with an air gap

Tronciu, V.Z.; Mirasso, C.; Colet, P.; Hamacher, M,; Benedetti, M.; Vercesi, V.; Annovazzi-Lodi, V.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46, 1840-1846 (2010)

Econophysics studies in Estonia

Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco; Kitt, Robert; Kalda, Jaan
Science and Culture 76, 374-379 (2010)

Nonlinear Dynamics and Regime Shifts in Ecosystems

S. Bacelar, Flora (Director: Emílio Hernández-García)
PhD Thesis (2010)

Permutation information theory approach to unveil delay dynamics from time series analysis

Zunino, Luciano; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, I.; Rosso, Osvaldo A.; Mirasso, Claudio R.
Physical Review E 82, 046212 (1-9) (2010)

Stochastic resonance in a surface dipole

Heinsalu, Els; Patriarca, Marco; Marchesoni, Fabio
Chemical Physics 375, 410-415 (2010)

Numerical investigation of nonlinear dynamics of semiconductor ring lasers with two external cavities

Ermakov, Ilya; Van der Sande, Guy; Gelens, Lendert; Scirè, Alessandro; Colet, Pere; Mirasso, Claudio; Tronciu, Vasile; Danckaert, Jan
Young Optical Scientists Conference YOSC-2009. Technical Digest , 106-109 (2010)

Description of stochastic and chaotic series using visibility graphs

Lacasa, Lucas; Toral, Raúl
Physical Review E 82, 036120 (1-11) (2010)

Critical behavior of a Ginzburg-Landau model with additive quenched noise

Niko Komin, Lucas Lacasa, Raul Toral
Journal of Statistical Mechanics , P12008 (2010)

Mobility induces global synchronization of oscillators in periodic extended systems

Peruani, Fernando; Nicola, Ernesto M.; Morelli, Luis G.
New Journal of Physics 12, 093029 (2010)

Effect of fiber dispersion on broadband chaos communications implemented by electro-optic nonlinear delay phase dynamics

Nguimdo, Romain Modeste; Lavrov, Roman; Colet, Pere; Jacquot, Maxime; Kouomou Chembo, Yanne; Larger, Laurent
Journal of Lightwave Technology 28, 2688-2696 (2010)

Mass media and repulsive interactions in continuous-opinion dynamics

Vaz Martins, T.; Pineda, M.; Toral, R.
EPL (Europhysics Letters) 91, 48003 (2010)

Electro-optic delay devices with double feedback

Nguimdo, Romain Modeste; Colet, Pere; Mirasso, Claudio R.
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 46, 1436-1443 (2010)

Non-universal results induced by diversity distribution in coupled excitable systems

F. Lafuerza, Luis; Colet, Pere; Toral, Raul
Physical Review Letters 105, 084101 (1-4) (2010)

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