
Assessing coupling dynamics from an ensemble of time series

Gómez-Herrero, G.; Wu, W.; Rutanen, K.; Soriano, M. C.; Pipa, G.; Vicente, R.
Entropy 17, 1958-1970 (2015)

Exploring the potential of phone call data to characterize the relationship between social network and travel behavior

Picornell, M.; Ruiz, T.; Lenormand, M.; Ramasco, J.J.; Dubernet, T.; Frías-Martínez, E.
Transportation 42, 647-668 (2015)

The effect of links on the interparticle dipolar correlations in supramolecular magnetic filaments

Sánchez, Pedro A.; Cerdà, Joan J. Cerdà; Sintes, Tomàs; Ivanov, Alexey O.; Kantorovich, Sofia S.
Soft Matter 11, 2963-2972 (2015)

Synchronization of tunable asymmetric square-wave pulses in delay-coupled optoelectronic oscillators

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Colet, Pere; Erneux, Thomas
Physical Review E 91, 032911 (1-14) (2015)

Spatial patterns of competing random walkers

Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Heinsalu, E., Lopez, C.
Ecological Complexity 21, 166-176 (2015)

Theory for the spatio-temporal dynamics of domain walls close to a nonequilibrium Ising-Bloch transition

Gomila, Damià; Colet, Pere; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review Letters 114, 084101 (1-5) (2015)

Reservoir computing with a single time-delay autonomous Boolean node

Haynes, Nicholas D.; Soriano, Miguel C.; Rosin, David P.; Fischer, Ingo; Gauthier, Daniel J.
Physical Review E 91, 020801(R)(1-5) (2015)

Optimal recruitment strategies for groups of interacting walkers with leaders

Martínez-García, Ricardo, López, Cristóbal; Vazquez, Federico
Physical Review E 91, 022117 (2015)

Flow networks: A characterization of geophysical fluid transport

Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Rossi, Vincent; Lopez, Cristobal; Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
Chaos 25, 036404 (1-18) (2015)

Anomalous scaling in an age-dependent branching model

Keller-Schmidt, S.; Tugrul, M.; Eguiluz, V.M.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.; Klemm, K.
Physical Review E 91, 022803 (1-6) (2015)

Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks

Louail, T; Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, M; García Cantú, O; Herranz, R; Fría-Martinez, E; Ramasco, Jose J; Barthelemy, M
Nature Communications 6, 6007 (2015)

Information Recovery In Behavioral Networks

Squartini, Tiziano; Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Garlaschelli, Diego; Judge, George
Plos One 10, e0125077 (1-11) (2015)

Delay-based Reservoir Computing: Noise Effects in a Combined Analog and Digital Implementation

Soriano, Miguel C.; Ortín, Silvia; Keuninckx, Lars; Appeltant, Lennert; Danckaert, Jan; Pesquera, Luis; Van der Sande, Guy
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 26, 388-393 (2015)

Descending from infinity: Convergence of tailed distributions

Van den Broeck,Christian;Harbola,Upendra;Toral,Raul;Lindenberg,Katja
Physical Review E 91, 012128 (2015)

Impact of substrate interactions on the phase behavior of Y-shaped molecules

Ruth, D.P.;Toral, R.;Holz, D.;Rickman, J.M.;J.D. Gunton
Thin Solid Films 597, 188-192 (2015)

Learning and coordinating in a multilayer network

Lugo, Haydee; San Miguel, Maxi
Scientific Reports 5, 7776 (2015)

Constructing optimized binary masks for reservoir computing with delay systems

Appeltant, Lennert; Van der Sande, Guy; Danckaert, Jan; Fischer, Ingo
Scientific Reports 4, 3629 (2014)

Effects of inhomogeneities and drift on the dynamics of temporal solitons in fiber cavities and microresonators

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Matias, M.A.; Colet, P.; Gelens, L.
Optics Express 22, 30943-30954 (2014)

Multivariate nonlinear time-series estimation using delay-based reservoir computing

Escalona-Morán, M. A.; Soriano, M. C.; García-Prieto, J.; Fischer, I.; Mirasso, C. R.
European Physical Journal Special Topics 223, 2903-2912 (2014)

Autocorrelation properties of chaotic delay dynamical systems: A study on semiconductor lasers

Porte, Xavier; D'Huys, Otti; Jüngling, Thomas; Brunner, Daniel; Soriano, Miguel C.; Fischer, Ingo
Physical Review E 90, 052911 (1-10) (2014)

Synchronizability of Networks with Strongly Delayed Links: A Universal Classification

Flunkert, V.; Yanchuk, S.; Dahms, T.; Schöll, E.
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 202, 809-824 (2014)

Master Thesis: Time Series Analysis of Online Social Media

Artime, Oriol (M. San Miguel; JJ Ramasco)
Master Thesis (2014)

Stochastic switching in delay-coupled oscillators

D'Huys, O.; Jüngling, T.; Kinzel, W.
Physical review E 90, 032918 (1-9) (2014)

Rethinking the logistic approach for population dynamics of mutualistic interactions

Garcia-Algarra, J; Galeano, J; Pastor, JM; Iriondo, JM; Ramasco, JJ
Journal of Theoretical Biology 363, 332-343 (2014)

Simulating non-Markovian stochastic processes

Boguna, Marian; Lafuerza, Luis F.; Toral ,Raul; Serrano, M. Angeles
Physical Review E 90, 042108 (2014)

Stochastic functionals and fluctuation theorem for multikangaroo processes

Van den Broeck,Christian;Toral,Raul
Physical Review E 89, 062124 (2014)

Social imitation vs strategic choice, or consensus vs cooperation in the networked Prisoner’s Dilemma

Vilone, Daniele; Ramasco, Jose J.; Sanchez, Angel; San Miguel, Maxi
Physical Review E 90, 022810 (2014)

Tweets on the road

Lenormand, Maxime;Tugores, Antonia; Colet, Pere; Ramasco, Jose J
PLoS ONE 9, e105407 (2014)

Cross-checking different sources of mobility information

Lenormand, Maxime; Picornell, Miguel; Cantu-Ros, Oliva; Tugores, Antonia; Louail, Thomas; Herranz, Ricardo; Barthelemy, Marc; Frias-Martinez, Enrique; Ramasco, Jose J.
PLoS ONE 9, e105184 (2014)

Synchronization and application of delay-coupled semiconductor lasers

Hicke, Konstantin;(Supervisor: Fischer,Ingo)
PhD thesis (2014)

Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics in Ecology: Vegetation Patterns, Animal Mobility and Temporal Fluctuations.

Martínez-García, Ricardo (Supervisor: López, Cristóbal)
PhD Thesis (2014)

Parameter-space topology of models for cell polarity

Khuc Trong, P.; Nicola, E.M.; Goehring, N.W.; Kumar, V.; Grill, S.W.
New Journal of Physics 16, 065009 (1-18) (2014)

Deriving partition functions and entropic functionals from thermodynamics

Plastino, A.; Curado, E.M.F.; Nobre, F.D.
Physica A 403, 13-20 (2014)

Third-order chromatic dispersion stabilizes Kerr frequency combs

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Leo, F.; Coen, S.; Gelens, L.
Optics Letters 39, 2971-2974 (2014)

Parallel generation of fast random bits based on optoelectronic phase-chaos systems

Nguimdo, Romain Modeste; Colet, Pere; Danckaert, Jan
Nonlinear Optics and Its Applications VIII; and Quantum Optics III (Edited by Benjamin J. Eggleton; Alexander L. Gaeta; Neil G. R. Broderick; Alexander V. Sergienko; Arno Rauschenbeutel; Thomas Durt),, , 9136, 91360V (2014)

Hydrodynamic provinces and oceanic connectivity from a transport network help designing marine reserves

Rossi, Vincent; Ser-Giacomi, Enrico; Lopez, Cristobal, Hernandez-Garcia, Emilio
Geophysical Research Letters 41, 2883-2891 (2014)

Is the Voter Model a model for voters?

Fernandez-Gracia, J; Suchecki, K; Ramasco, JJ; San Miguel, M; Eguiluz, VM
Physical Review Letters 112, 158701 (2014)

Tuning the period of square-wave oscillations for delay-coupled optoelectronic systems

Martínez-Llinàs, Jade; Colet, Pere; Erneux, Thomas
Physical Review E 89, 042908 (1-11) (2014)

Theoretical analysis of external noise and bistability in the catalytic CO oxidation on Pd(111)

Pineda, Miguel;Toral,Raul
Journal of Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 14, 17-28 (2014)

Dynamics of localized and patterned structures in the Lugiato-Lefever equation determine the stability and shape of optical frequency combs

Parra-Rivas, P.; Gomila, D.; Matias, M.A.; Coen, S.; Gelens, L.
Physical Review A 89, 043813 (1-12) (2014)

Co-evolution of networks

Loreti,Simone (Supervisor Toral, Raul)
Master Thesis (2014)

A Minimal Model Dynamics for Twelvefold Quasipatterns

Gomila, Damià; Walgraef, Daniel
Physical Review E 89, 032923 (2014)

Self-localized states in species competition

Paulau, Pavel V.; Gomila, Damià; López, Cristóbal; Hernández-García, Emilio
Physical Review E 89, 032724 (1-8) (2014)

Entangling mobility and interactions in Social Media

Grabowicz, P.A.; Ramasco, J.J.; Goncalves, B.; Eguiluz V.M.
PLoS ONE 9, e92196 (2014)

Absorbing and Shattered Fragmentation Transitions in Multilayer Coevolution

Diakonova, Marina; San Miguel, Maxi; Eguiluz, Victor
Physical Review E 89, 062818 (2014)

Characterization of delay propagation in the US air transportation network

Fleurquin, Pablo; Ramasco, José J.; Eguíluz, Victor M.
Transportation Journal 53, 330-344 (2014)

Nonlinear dynamics and synchronization of an array of single mode laser diodes in external cavity subject to current modulation

Liu, B.; Braiman, Y.; Nair, N.; Guo, Y.; Colet, P.; Wardlaw M.
Optics Communications 324, 301-310 (2014)

Exploring the tug of war between positive and negative interactions among savanna trees: Competition, dispersal, and protection from fire

Bacelar, F.S.; Calabrese, J.M.; Hernandez-Garcia, E.
Ecological Complexity 17, 140-148 (2014)

Kinetic theory and numerical simulations of two-species coagulation

Escudero,C.;Macià,F.;Toral,R.;Velázquez,J. J. L.
Kinetic and Related Models 7, 253-290 (2014)

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