Adrià Labay

Adrià Labay Mora
  • Campus Universitat de les Illes Balears
    E-07122 Palma de Mallorca. Spain
  • Oficina S07-3
  • +34 971259883
  • Contact
  • Supervisor: Gian Luca Giorgi

Passionated by Physics, gradutated at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in 2019, with a strong enthusiasm for the fundations of Quantum Mechanics and its applications in the new era of technology, wishing to understand someday what is ψ. Curious about other areas of physics like High Energy, Quantum Gravity or Complex Systems, even other topics like psicology or phylosophy. I am currently pursuing a PhD about Quantum Neural Networks with Gian Luca Giorgi at the IFISC institute.

Solid background in programming languages like Python and most of its common libraries for scientits (numpy, matplotlib...) and data science (pandas). Also experienced in web applications (html, javascript, ReactJS, CSS…) and SQL management with SQLite and MySQL. Awarded with a Developer Certification in Android Development with Java and interested in promissing languages like Julia.

Firm defendant of Open Source in Science and Technology.

Projectes de recerca recents i vigents


Maria de Maeztu 2023-2026

I.P.: Ernesto Estrada, Ingo Fischer, Emilio Hernández-García, Rosa Lopez, Claudio Mirasso, Jose Javier Ramasco, Raúl Toral, Roberta Zambrini
After 15 years of its existence, IFISC can point to a proven track record of impactful research. The previous 2018-2022 MdM award has significantly enhanced the institute's capabilities, as demonstrated by an ...


Complex Quantum Systems: machine learning, thermodynamics, and emergent phenomena

I.P.: Gian Luca Giorgi, Gonzalo Manzano, Roberta Zambrini
CoQuSy is a coordinated project and joins all the researchers at IFISC (belonging either to CSIC or UIB) working in the common line of complex quantum systems. The coordination is motivated by ...

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