Segregation in urban systems and mobility

Master thesis defense. The jury will be:

- David Sanchez

- Juan Fernandez Gracia

- Jose Javier Ramasco 


José Javie Ramasco

Jesús A. Moreno López


The new era has brought the generalization of information technologies. The penetration of mobile phones

is almost at 90% of the population in most developed countries in the world, while the smart phone lag

slightly behind but almost reaching 70% in Spain. The users of this technology tend to interact with the

environment and with other users employing the full capacities of the devices in terms of spatial and temporal

localization. This opens the door for the first time to extensive analysis on the location of activity in cities,

mobility, land use and the evolution of all of them. Furthermore, by refining the analysis it is even possible

to study questions on language and immigration distribution in space.

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Detalls de contacte:

Jose Javier Ramasco

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