Seeing the Light – at the end of the tunnel?

  • IFISC Colloquium

  • Rajarshi Roy
  • University of Maryland, College Park, USA
  • 8 de juny de 2017 a les 17:10
  • Auditorium (Gaspar Melchor de Jovellanos building)
  • Announcement file

Seeing the light is no simple task it is accomplished with
a complex system consisting of our eyes and brain, which
we are only beginning to understand in a rudimentary way.
This is certainly good news there is so much interesting
science left to do and so many interesting discoveries to make,
experimentally and theoretically. We will look at a few
examples to illustrate these points, the highly interdisciplinary
nature of the problems, and tools needed to begin to unravel
them. We will conclude with a description of experiments
to probe the transition from randomness to determinism in a
simple system, entropy production and random number

IFISC Colloquia

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