Oceanic Circulation and sea level changes in the Mediterranean Sea. Are they linked to climate change?

  • Talk

  • Mikis Tsimplis
  • James Rennell Division for Ocean Circulation and Climate Southampton Oceanography Ce
  • 12 de desembre de 2006 a les 11:00
  • Sala de Seminarios, 3er piso, Ed. Mateu Orfila
  • Announcement file

The Mediterranean Sea has been experiencing changes in various parameters of its circulation. Thus changes in the deep water characteristics, in the deep water formation rates and locations and in sea level rise have been documented. The forcing mechanisms for these changes are not well established. Some of the changes have been suggested as linked to regional climate changes, some to anthropogenic influence through reduction of freshwater influx from rivers while some others appear to be driven by localised extreme weather events. This seminar will review the way the Mediterranean Sea operates, describe the observed changes and discuss some of the forcing mechanisms. Future scenarios for sea level rise in the Mediterranean Sea will also be discussed.

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