Nonequilibrium transport in quantum dots in the Kondo regime

  • Talk

  • Rosa Lopez
  • Departement de Physique Theorique, Universite de Geneve
  • 8 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00
  • Sala de Juntes, Ed. Mateu Orfila

The Kondo effect is one of the simplest paradigms of
condensed matter physics exhibiting strong correlations.
The Kondo effect, the crossover from weak to strong
coupling for Tbetween itinerant electrons and localized moments in
dilute alloys, appears as the localized spin is screened
by the itinerant electrons of the metal by the formation
of a singlet state. The Kondo effect occurs in quantum dots as well.
When the hybridization between the dot and the leads is
very strong and the charging energy is very large the Kondo effect
appears due to spin-flip interactions.
These interactions open up a new transport channel:
the so-called Kondo resonance.
Importantly, low-temperature transport experiments,
both in the linear and non-linear regimes,
in quantum dots allow for an unprecedented control
on the parameters governing the Kondo effect.

In this work we investigate both the spin and charge transport
in quantum dots in the Kondo regime. We discuss for example,
the Kondo effect in quantum dots attached to ferromagnetic leads,
the two-impurity Kondo problem in serial and parallel quantum dots
and the so-called photon-assited Kondo effect.

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