IFISC winter solstice

Seminar room of the Technical Services building (13:00, next to the concierge)

Presentation of representative papers of the different IFISC research lines during 2018.

Miguel C. Soriano:   Consistency properties of chaotic systems driven by time-delayed feedback,

Victor. M. Eguíluz:  Convergence of marine megafauna movement patterns in coastal and open oceans,

Ingo Fischer/Julian Bueno: Reinforcement learning in a large-scale photonic recurrent neural network,

Emilio Hernández-García: Using Network Theory and Machine Learning to predict El Niño,

Rosa López: Thermally Driven Out-of-Equilibrium Two-Impurity Kondo System,

Claudio Mirasso: High frequency neurons determine effective connectivity in neuronal networks,

José J. Ramasco: Immigrant community integration in world cities

David Sánchez: Mapping the Americanization of English in space and time

Raúl Toral: Stochastic pair approximation treatment of the noisy voter model

Roberta Zambrini: Unveiling noiseless clusters in complex quantum networks

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