Bounded Confidence: A deceptively simple model

  • IFISC Colloquium

  • Rainer Hegselmann
  • University of Bayreuth and Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
  • 18 de gener de 2023 a les 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Sync with iCal
  • Announcement file

My talk will discuss the so called bounded confidence model (BC-model, for short). The model is very simple: Period by period, all agents average over all opinions that are not further away from their actual opinion than a given distance Epsilon, their `bound of confidence‘. The simplicity of the model is deceptive. Two decades ago, Ulrich Krause and I published an analysis of the model in which we overlooked completely a decisive feature of our model: For increasing values of Epsilon, our analysis back then suggests smooth transitions in the model’s behavior. But in fact, the transitions are wild, chaotic, and non-monotonic. In my talk I will present a completely novel approach to analyse the BC-model. In the new approach everything we overlooked at the time becomes directly obvious and, in a sense, unmissable.

Presential in the IFISC seminar room, Zoom stream at

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