Big Data and administrative records: a new way of counting population

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Diego Ramiro Fariñas
  • Department of Population Studies IEGD-CCHS-CSIC
  • 6 de juliol de 2017 a les 14:30
  • IFISC Seminar Room
  • Announcement file

We live in a society that changes more and more rapidly and we need tools that allow us to measure these changes continuously, without waiting for census operations or large surveys. To do so, public administration will need to use more efficiently the information provided by their citizens, by integrating and linking the information available in their administrative registers. This will take place by the creation of information infrastructures, whose utility will be returned to the citizen on different ways: By means of the creation of a more complete and efficient electronic administration and through the creation of powerful statistical infrastructures that will allow a big step for scientific analysis, both for public and private research. In Spain, this process of re-using the information contained in statistical and administrative records had a spectacular advance in recent years, and it is common practice for many statistical operations to complete their content by referring to the information contained in administrative records instead of including more questions in their questionnaires. In this line, the creation of longitudinal population registers will imply a crucial change in the future statistical production systems, allowing the offer of more information in a continuous way and with much greater quality and detail, illuminating aspects of the interrelations of the Social and economic processes that until now had not been the subject of statistical research.

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Ingo Fischer

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