Absorption of Drugs and Simplification of Large Systems

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Niko Komin
  • 8 de gener de 2008 a les 15:00
  • Sala Multiusos, Ed. Cientifíco-Técnico
  • Announcement file

The development of new medicine has to pass many steps until it might be
used successfully on the treatment of diseases. One important part is
the study of its absorption properties, for which standard procedures
exist. One kind of experiments is taken and analyzed from the
mathematical point of view. Steady state solutions and time profiles
are derived, a closer look at measuring errors is possible.

Furthermore a method [1] that allows to reduce coupled
systems to a few variables is presented. This method is valid in the limit of a high number of
subsystems and nearly coherent behavior. We applied it to a system of
coupled Kuramoto oscillators as an example, and to a modified version of the above mentioned absorption system.

[1] Monte, d'Ovidio, Chaté, Mosekilde, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 254101 (2004).

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Damià Gomila

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