A reduced phase space description for deterministic and stochastic features in semiconductor ring lasers

  • IFISC Seminar

  • Lendert Gelens
  • Department of Applied Physics and Photonics - IR/TONA, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
  • 17 de gener de 2008 a les 15:00
  • Sala Multiusos, Ed. Cientifíco-Técnico
  • Announcement file

Semiconductor ring lasers (SRLs) are currently being
actively investigated because of their possible applications in
photonic integrated circuits. Some SRLs exhibit bistable operation,
suggesting their possible use as e.g. all-optical memories. We have
reduced a basic rate equation model for the counter-propagating
fields in these SRLs to a two-dimensional system by applying
asymptotic techniques. Studying the deterministic and stochastic
switching properties in this reduced phase space greatly enhances our
physical understanding of the dynamical behaviour of these SRLs.

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Damià Gomila

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