
Anticipated syncrhonization with distributed delay Talk 16 de gener de 2025 a les 11:00

David Ortiz , IFISC

Characterising the dynamics of unlabelled temporal networks Talk 24 de gener de 2025 a les 11:00

Annalisa Caligiuri , IFISC

Thermodynamics of Bose condensation in nonequilibrium quantum gases IFISC Seminar 8 de febrer de 2025 a les 14:30

Luisa Toledo , IFISC

Non-dipole electron modes in atomic clusters: implementation of two-photon procesess Talk 8 de juliol de 2004 a les 12:00

Prof , Valentin Nesterenko, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Moscow

Structural properties of random networks with hidden variables Talk 7 de juliol de 2004 a les 15:00

Agata Fronczak , Faculty of Physics, Warsaw University of Technology,Poland

The physical significance of exceptional points Talk 30 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00

Prof , W.D. Heiss, Department of Physics, University ofStellenbosch, South Africa

Organization, Robustness, and Development of cortical networks Talk 24 de juny de 2004 a les 14:30

Marcus Kaiser , International University Bremen, Germany

Spatial optical solitons in photorefractive crystals Talk 23 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00

Wieslaw Krolikowski , Laser Physics Centre, Australian National University

Entanglement and Quantum Phase Transitions Talk 23 de juny de 2004 a les 12:00

Dr , Rolando Somma, Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico -USA

Control and synchronization of chaotic systems with diffrent number of degrees of freedom DFI 17 de juny de 2004 a les 12:00

Piotr Fronczak , Warsaw University of Technology

Dynamic Modeling of the Electric Power Network Talk 16 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00

Alessandro Scire , DFI, IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB

Dynamics of Fermi gases in periodic potentials Talk 9 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00

Giacomo Roati , European Laboratory for Nonlinear Spectroscopy (LENS

Nonequilibrium transport in quantum dots in the Kondo regime Talk 8 de juny de 2004 a les 15:00

Rosa Lopez , Departement de Physique Theorique, Universite de Geneve

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