
Naukas Palma 2024: ¿Puede un ordenador cantar flamenco? Outreach Event 5 de octubre de 2024 a les 10:00

Pablo Rosillo , IFISC (UIB-CSIC)

Branching processes for cascades on networks IFISC Seminar 7 de octubre de 2024 a les 14:30

James Gleeson , SFI Centre for Research Training in Foundations of Data Science, University of Limerick, Ireland

Towards understanding of the social hysteresis – insights from statistical physics and surprises IFISC Seminar 7 de octubre de 2024 a les 15:45

Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron , Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland

Aging and memory effects in social and economic dynamics PhD Thesis Defense 8 de octubre de 2024 a les 10:00

David Abella , IFISC (UIB-CSIC)

Network Epidemiology: from analytical insights to data-driven modeling of contagion IFISC Seminar 9 de octubre de 2024 a les 11:30

Yamir Moreno , Institute for Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) , University of Zaragoza, Spain and Centai Institute, Turin, Italy.

100xCiencia.8: Diálogos transformadores: enfrentando los retos de un mundo complejo en transición Outreach Event 9 de octubre de 2024 a les 19:00

Luis Quevedo, Ernesto Estrada (IFISC, UIB-CSIC), Angel Amores (IMEDEA, UIB-CSIC) ,

MdM Quantum Seminar: Constrictions between topological edge channels Talk 29 de octubre de 2024 a les 11:00

Niccolò Traverso Ziani , Università degli studi di Genova, Italia

Sociomeeting: Data Collection on Traffic Accidents and Flows Talk 29 de octubre de 2024 a les 14:30

Lourdes Pérez López , Universidad San Jorge (Zaragoza) and IFISC (UIB-CSIC)

Theoretical and data-driven models in Ecology PhD Thesis Defense 30 de octubre de 2024 a les 10:30

Alex Giménez Romero , IFISC

Thermalization is typical in large classical and quantum harmonic systems IFISC Seminar 30 de octubre de 2024 a les 14:30

Marco Cattaneo , QTF Centre of Excellence, Department of Physics, University of Helsinki

Community based dismantling strategies in real-world complex networks IFISC Seminar 4 de novembre de 2024 a les 14:30

Salvatore Micchiche , Palermo University

A complete theory of quantum mechanics? IFISC Seminar 27 de novembre de 2024 a les 14:30

Damià Gomila , IFISC

Electronic transport in mesoscopic systems: some examples IFISC Seminar 14 de juliol de 2011 a les 12:00

Rosa López , IFISC

Quantum features of electron and hole quantum wires with Rashba coupling Talk 13 de juliol de 2011 a les 12:00

M , Magdalena Gelabert, UIB

Legendre structure in quantum mechanics IFISC Seminar 7 de juliol de 2011 a les 15:00

Angel Plastino , Univ. Nac. de La Plata and Inst. de Física La Plata (CONICET

Quantum Estimation for Quantum Technology IFISC Seminar 28 de juny de 2011 a les 15:00

Matteo G , A. Paris, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Milano, Milano, Italy

The Physics of Exceptional Points Talk 23 de juny de 2011 a les 12:00

W , D. Heiss, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

Non-equilibirum growth of radial clusters: weak convergence to the asymptotic profile and implications for morphogenesis IFISC Seminar 21 de juny de 2011 a les 15:00

Carlos Escudero , Departamento de Economía Cuantitativa UAM & Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas (CSIC-UAM-UC3M-UCM

Computing with dissipative solitons IFISC Seminar 16 de juny de 2011 a les 12:00

Damia Gomila , IFISC

Topological aspect of Klein tunneling in bilayer graphene IFISC Seminar 3 de juny de 2011 a les 12:00

Heung-Sun Sim , Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea

Interplay between ferromagnetism and charging effects in the transport through nanoparticle arrays IFISC Seminar 19 de maig de 2011 a les 15:00

Elena Bascones , Dept. Theory and Simulation of Materials, Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid ICMM (CSIC

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