Colloquia of Excellence 2017 poster (PDF)
Dimecres, 5 Abril, 15:00h
Hans Herrmann (ETH Zürich, Switzerland)
Dimecres 21 Juny, 15:00h
Laurens Molenkamp (University of Würzburg, Germany)
Topological Physics in HgTe-based Quantum Devices
5-8 Juny, 2017
Parsimonious Rules in Complex Marine Ecosystems
Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO; Barcelona, Spain)
Quantum Brownian Motion Revisited
Rajarshi Roy (University of Maryland; College Park, USA)
Seeing the Light – at the end of the tunnel?
Alex Vespignani (Northeastern University; Boston, USA)
Contagion processes in Complex Systems
Angelo Vulpiani (University la Sapienza; Rome, Italy)
Levels of reality in weather forecasting: the lesson by Richardson and von Neumann